
I can imagine how it's like. But hey, all my favorite episodes are in there, and in a good spot (well, except for The Vault), so I can't even make a lot of complaints

Yeah, his death really bothered me, and at least this episode make use of the character again

I really respect your dedication to write about and order 50 episodes; I will definitely read it!

Whoa, that was a new storyboarder? I kinda thought the art was a little different, now that I think about it, but hey, that seems to be an excellent new addition! Adventure Time lost a lot of great writers as seasons passed, but if they can keep finding other great ones, that's fine by me. (Even more so when writers

I think every episode that features PB and Marceline together deserves an A automatically.

I really loved The Stanley Parable, it's one of my favorite games of all-time. The reveal of this game was the best news I had that day. Then came the comments, and I knew I was in for something special. I knew that would be something great. And even then, the game managed to surprise me. Despite my trust in the

This game sounds AMAZING. And it's worth noting that it's made by the writer of one of the best (and most overlooked) games of the past generation, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

God, it has been a while since a season finale messed me up this much. Silicon Valley and its series of misdirections have always been amazing, and this episode took it to a new level.


Yeah. I guess it just shows how big AT has become when the finale used so many elements of past episodes and there are still a LOT unresolved.

Series top five?

Personal experience: The first Marvel movie I watched was Winter Soldier. I watched Avengers 2 without seeing 1. I was completely fine and loved the movies anyway. It's not that prohibitive, is more like a bonus for people who've been watching since the beginning.

I really want to know the backstory of the King of Ooo. He is a asshole, but he was recognized as important at some point, apparently… When was that? What does it mean to be the king of all Ooo? Did he rule at some point? And now he is exploiting children for money…? I really want to know more of this character.

Maybe not the best, but I think the one that will stick with me the most is Daria. I binge-watched all the seasons earlier this year and was blown away. I loved all (ok, most) of the characters and it had great stories to tell in almost all episodes.

His Dark Materials is a great choice.

Can I share it here too?

And here I thought I was the only Brazilian person to browse AV Club! Good to know I am not alone

Well, I actually didn't expect Brazil to have this in theaters, not even in "indie" ones, but here it is. There's hope!

It was 33% off ($5 of discount, the price of the original game) if you pre-purchased.

I don't know, I am loving Binding of Isaac Rebirth. The pixelated look really worked for me; it was weird in only, like, the first five minutes or so, after that I really enjoyed it. The movement feels much smoother, there's a LOT of new content, a lot of small mistakes and bugs caused by Flash were fixed… I think