
Also, anyone here is reading All The Wrong Questions? I thought the first two books were amazing and can't wait to put my hands on the 3rd one.

I would be more thrilled, but my fanboyism also makes me scared. This being bad could make the books less popular in the eyes of the public…

This news could be awesome or terrible. I absolutely love the books, and there's potential for a good adaptation, but there's also potential to really fuck this up. I hope it's good and that it will make the books more popular, they deserve it.

I was enjoying (although not loving) A to Z, that's a shame. And since I don't usually watch shows from the start nor watch a lot of shows, I think this is the first early cancelation I will have to live with. Well, could be worse.

I like Windows 8 but that style of design is really being used by too maaaaany sites, it has become really annoying

Damn, I want to see them! I started visiting AVClub only after they were gone, so I don't even know what it is like, it's as if they were a myth

I would say the writing/narrative in Fatal Frame is not very original, but very effective and coherent with the atmosphere and gameplay. Besides maybe 1, there's a pretty good characterization (Fatal Frame 2, for me, really builds up the relationship between the sisters and its parallels with the village story) and I

Yeah, that's a pretty big deal. BUT if you're really interested, you can mod your Wii to download an fan-made translation patch. (that's what I did)

I am not into zombies, but I can appreciate a zombie story if it's good. Zombies being so overused, for me, just means there's more bad stuff using it, but it doesn't hinder my enjoyment of The Walking Dead (the game), for example.

Fatal Frame IV, which I almost forgot to mention because it's an obscure Wii title.

You guys are using the What's On Tonight do discuss Supernatural? I guess I missed it, unfortunately. I always enjoyed reading the comments, although since I don't watch the episodes live, I never really contributed

The episode where a guy dies by putting its head into a microwave will always be top1 for me. I don't know why, but that really horrified me. It's one of the few that I remember clearly, also.

I finally finished Uncharted 3 and now I can move on to another franchise, which will be… Metal Gear Solid! I bought the Legacy Collection a while ago, and it has been collecting dust since then. But the time finally came.

My favorite season is, amazingly, 14. I really love 200/201 and the Mysterion trilogy, and that's almost half the season right there

But do you have a say in which shows you cover? Can you ask to review a specific show you weren't planned to do, for instance?

And between Stalker and The Following?

Which one you hated more, Hostages or The Following?

I finally started Trine, which has been on my Steam library for quite a long time. It's a pretty cool game, and the graphics are amazingly beautiful. I paid almost nothing for it because it was on sale, but it's worth even full-price (which also isn't much).

If you're discussing, I don't know, some other popular tv show and someone goes and say "that's just like the ending of Breaking Bad, when x and y happened" I don't think it's your fault. A spoiler alert is not the end of the world and could help a lot.

I am placing my bets on The Evil Within, myself.