
Well, it was my first Silent Hill, so I guess it helped. But yeah, I understand your points, there were some… not great things in Shattered Memories. But I loved the storyline and some of the more surreal moments (like when you are in a giant house that's only a tiny dot in the map) really sold it to me. Was a great

I never played a Kojima game, I never watched anything by Del Toro, but I'm fucking excited for this. Shame that it will probably be a exclusive, though, the WiiU has already won my first next-gen buy with Fatal Frame V*.

Shattered Memories was pretty great, though

Not really my favorite, but the one I want to mention, because I'm sure I will be the only one: Total Drama Pakithew Island. This season has been beter than the previous two, and I think they nailed this cast of characters.

Wasn't that season 8? I'm pretty sure it was.

Well, I binge-watched until season 8, and season 7 is my favorite. So you have it.

People got too worked up by the twists to notice these problems, indeed. I was actually fine with you-know-who death, but that was handled atrociously.

I'm still waiting for that DVD "alternate ending"! Not that I hope they will redeem themselves, but just imagine if we really got the best ending and this alternate one is somehow WORSE. I would need to see that.

I finished Season 4 of The Middle in my binge-watching. It was probably my favorite season, although some things annoyed me, maybe more than in previous seasons. The number of great episodes made up for it, though. I hope I can finish season 5 before the sixth starts.

It's funny how I cheer for HIMYM in this tournament, but if they made a "worst episode" version I would STILL cheer for a HIMYM episode.

I love Crowley, but in season 9 they were running out of excuses to keep him alive already, and I don't know if I will grow tired of him if he appear every other episode.

About the shows I showed my mom, she loves Supernatural (which is good) and The Big Bang Theory (which is less good), is very fond of How I Met Your Mother and The Middle and is enjoying Justified.

… I haven't read those reviews yet, so obviously I had to fix it.

Just to be sure, it was a one-time thing? Or it will keep being covered?

I love reading her hate-reviews. I don't even watch the shows, but it's still so entertaining. Probably way bettter than the show itself.

I actually laughed at Two and a Half Men at various points in the show. 2 Broke Girls isn't even at this level.

Oh god, I have a new addiction now

Ted love story with the Mother is great, honestly. And remember, he hadn't made the decision to go after Robin at that point, that's just after the end of the story.

The divorce annoyed me because we spent a entire fucking season on the wedding, and more on making them a great couple. They breaking up could work, but required more time.

1) Pineapple Incident
2) Slap Bet
3) How I Met Everyone Else
4) Best Burger in NY (i'm not sure if it was on this season, actually)
5) Robots x Wrestlers
6) Subway Wars (favorite one)
7) Tick Tick Tick
8) Final Page
9) Unpause