
Oh, no, the content will (I hope) stays the same. But it's so annoying to look for it now.

Oh, no, the content will (I hope) stays the same. But it's so annoying to look for it now.

I think literally everything I liked about the site and how it was structured went away with this change. It's like a generic blog now.

I think literally everything I liked about the site and how it was structured went away with this change. It's like a generic blog now.

"As a means to fight corruption, I prefer journalism, history, science, and organized dissent. Persona 5 is a featherweight, and it doesn’t need to touch any of those in its plot, but it also doesn’t need to conclude in its final, “true” moments that none of them matter in comparison to the power of positive thinking."

I really, really love Dinesh being an asshole. I usually pity characters whose joke is that they are made fun of constantly, but Dinesh so thoroughly deserves it that I can enjoy his suffering without feeling bad for him. Go Gilfoyle, keep making him miserable.

I lost count how many times I've paused to read some easter egg, some sign, some name, with more attention. The fanservice and care for the world is there and I love it.

I play Pharah a lot, but I don't know if she's the one I'm better with. I don't know if I have anyone I can say i'm effective with, to be honest.

I loved a lot of the games you mentioned (I'm been playing Overwatch constantly and I was never a multiplayer guy and Inside is one of the most affecting experiences I've had this year), so I will try to spotlighy a game I feel won't be talked about as much

I need this to be good. I really need this to be good. aSoUE may be my favorite piece of media ever, it deserves a good adaptation. This trailer made me a little hopeful.

This is probably my favorite episode of the series, but I can't let go of the fact that 10,000,000$ is too much money, too much that it doesn't make a lick of sense.

I very rarely commented here, but I always read the reviews and comments, and it's sad that they will be gone. Thank you for all your work, Oliver, and I hope the commenters find somewhere to discuss the next episodes. If the isn't, I will have to find another place online, and it will most certainly be a downgrade

That's my favorite running gag of the series. The way he starts "Consider the…" always cracks me up

I'm dreadly anticipating the next weeks's episode, the preview does not paint a good sign - what the hell will Richard do?

I understand people not liking this episode much, considering the cliffhanger in the previous, but that's honestly one of my favorites in the whole series. I couldn't stop laughing for a moment, basically every line is quotable and the interaction between characters is extremely on point. I have a smile in my face

I'm loving this streak (not exactly) of Finn-focused episodes, it's doing a lot to develop the character in interesting ways.

I just want to say that Big Warning About Dead Mountain page was AFTER the part about Dead Mountain itself and that bothers me for some reason

That ending was a thing of beauty. It was a very entertaing episode overall, but I think the interactions with other characters (Starchy, TP) broke the atmosphere a little. Still, pretty good, maybe the best of the week.

This year I actually got to play some games the year they were released (about 5, but that's an increase), and two of them became some of my favorite games of all-time. Those were Undertale and The Beginner's Guide.

I guess the animation public is now focusing in things like Steven Univese (which deserves it!), but Adventure Time had an amazing year. Season 6 ended in a ambitious and great way, even for the show, and I like all of the episodes of season 7 released so far.