
I don't know if I've ever read a story about insomnia (probably, but i can't remember), but after reading this, I think it would be awesome. I'm already putting it on my wishlist.

I don't know if it is really common or I am just unlucky with the shows I watch, but the characters talking like therapists to each other bothers me.

Laugh tracks. No, really, it never really helped me to enjoy a show, it's just an annoyance that it's unfortunately present in some shows I like (How I Met Your Mother, for instance)

I completely agree. The way I consume media is heavily divided by "before tvtropes" and "after tvtropes". And even today, more than 2 years after I found the site, I still find new amazing stuff hidden somewhere in the thousands of pages.

I stopped playing the game for some months, but I always come back to it. It's just so perfect.

Damn, how did you noticed me???

TVTropes is probably the best thing the internet has ever done.

Oh god. I managed to forgot Rebirth was a thing until now, and now I'm reminded that I'm waiting for what will probably be my favorite game ever.

Hey, there's potential for development there!
… I mean, I hope. If the character kept thinking that all the way through the series, that would be sad.

I guess I already know watch to watch after HIMYM ends.

A Hey Arnold t-shirt would be pretty awesome, I really want one now, damn.

Really? I guess I don't have any eye for acting skills (not being ironic, I rarely recognize bad acting), because I enjoyed him this season. He isn't as good as Ackles, but still hold his own.

Maybe "bad" is overreacting, but i find it vastly inferior to the 5 before it. But yeah, it has some great episodes. French Mistake and Weekend at Bobby's come to mind.

Mark Sheppard is so awesome he defies the rules for the CW.

After the season-5-not-being-the-end stuff, I stopped caring about it. The show already lost its chance to end on the highest note, now I just want to keep being entertained, and on that matter, the show could keep going forever. Even the bad seasons (6 and 7) were still kinda fun to watch

Yeah, it was supposed to end at season 5.

Yeah. I mean, the way it happened in the episode was almost there. When the camera showed Ted looking up, it really moved me. … When it went back to baloon-Robin, it really didn't work.

I knew it wouldn't happen, but damn, I was almost praying to Dean accept Garth offer for the three to go hunting together.

Oh, I love season 6 and 7(one of the few who does) too much to cut that. I would shorten season 8 as it was to 12 episodes (the mid-season finale being Something New and all), and the second half would be the wedding.

Oh well, i forgot season 5! It's between 9 and 8