
I am not painting *you* as anything. I am also, in my way, as I mentioned up top, “a woman who supports Bernie,” although as a journalist I don’t throw my arms around any politician entirely and never will.

We have been warned about this:

I would imagine so the car could be towed back to the shop?

And, yet, he isn’t. Have you learned nothing from this?

I was thinking the Steve Rodgers “Before” picture.

Dude, it’s honesty week. Not cool.

It really does sound like a terribly poorly done study — I swear some of these are done solely to get results that they know lazy reporters will run with.

Welcome to Gawker science reporting. Well, science reporting in general.

Did you even look at anything about what happened with this debacle? Mismanagement at it’s finest. They are(were) #1 in the market for toys and yet are giving up because the task of managing expectations and manufacturing levels was too much effort to make it worthwhile long term. 2.0 was a massive disaster for them

Dude this is Gawker Media, no need for your well-written, thoughtful, fact based, contrarian reasoning around here. Go. Shoo. Scram. ;)

1000 mg is an average dose for extra strength Tylenol, and that would be limited to every 6 hours. Regular tylenol is 650 mg every 4-6 hours. Since so much chronic pain also involves inflammation, it would be interesting to know why they’d be taking tylenol (which has no antiinflammatory properties) compared to

I am unable to determine how valid this study is without being able to read it. Of course, the original copy is behind a paywall that is $233/year for access for a personal account. I don’t belong to an institution that pays for access either. All I have is the abstract quote on the page and that is pretty much

It’s all done on VoIP phones these days anyway. No long distance charges.

Actually, I was underwhelmed. The offensive guy in the bar would say “Nips and Gooks.” He’s even a shitty racist.

I wish we didn’t. I won’t say it, but there is one.

He must have been so pissed that we don’t have a go-to slur for Korean people.

I like to pretend they were making it in RuPaul’s basement.

Yeah, I hate watching stuff like this because I am sure that could be me at any moment.