I don’t think Indiana has party registration, so you can pull either an R or D ballot.
I don’t think Indiana has party registration, so you can pull either an R or D ballot.
Someone help Hedi and her children escape.
its very like “look at this marvelous chihuahua who’s learned to talk”
I have a FB friend on the spectrum who has gone on diatribes against Autism Speaks. They apparently really are the worst.
Autism Speaks is the worst. Their official position may be “we don’t know if vaccines cause autism” (which of course is bullshit) but they routinely host presenters who do at their conferences.
Horseshit. She was hired to obfuscate Trump’s anti-vax stance and lend credibility to someone who she KNOWS deserves none. If she truly cared about the cessation of dangerous myths surrounding autism, she wouldn’t be working for Donald goddamned Trump. There is a special place in hell, and Albright got it wrong; it’s…
We don’t know.
“He stresses that his family members were legal immigrants.”
Unless you’re Joffrey, in which case everyone will clap. A lot.
Then Jack Gleeson has to spend forever being tormented in public by people who can’t tell the difference between an actor and a fictional character.
Poor guy. He did a great job.
As has been stated: “When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or Oh God you are going to die in a way that gives people nightmares or hate-boners or both, wtf.”
I probably don’t need to explain she’s a character in Game of Thrones and what that means.
The only person in Pyke who’s not a useless fuckwaffle. Hope she kicks all the ass and crowns herself Iron Islands Queen.
I haven’t looked forward to someone dying horribly this badly since Joffrey wanted his wedding colors to be purple.
You’ve clearly never had a dog! Did you see Ghost perk up? DOGS KNOW.
(but fair point)
She sorta back tracked on her being OK with Trump winning because of hopes for a revolution on Colbert last week.
I can’t name one effective surrogate who’s been campaigning for Bernie.
Blech. Sarandon. Rich, white woman wanting revolution that she can watch from another country while she sips on her martini.
This is true. But I think the point stoprobbers is making is that there are other groups who are also systemically disadvantaged, and have been for much longer, and in much worse ways.
I’m just a poor white trash motherfucker. No one cares about me.