Imagine a Tony Hawk game with crazy guns on a Horde Mode-style map. Insomniac Games did more than imagine. They…
Imagine a Tony Hawk game with crazy guns on a Horde Mode-style map. Insomniac Games did more than imagine. They…
Pikachu, all the Nintendo characters and Smash Bros. itself would look different in the context of a pro wrestling…
An open tab? You're commenting, so it's a bit more then that. And who says that twitch isn't just an open tab as well? Get bent yourself, condescending prick.
Oh yeah, nothing more pathetic then people who take a break from playing videogames and then go online on a videogameblog and post condescendingly about other people doing something similar with their leisure time.
Well, the pejorative about shooter players settles it. Between the lack of actual gaming content, and the overall attitude of writers, and now insults, I'm out. Bye kotaku.
Disney has owned Star Wars for about 5 minutes. Wtf are you on about?
Disney has owned the license for like what, less than two years? Relax. If Star Citizen and Elite do well, we're pretty certain to see a Star Wars space sim, probably leveraging whatever new content shows up in the new trilogy.
Infuriating strawmen. "Pi is not special because most people don't understand what they're talking about" isn't really an interesting argument. The same argument can be applied to pretty much anything and everything. Saying why Pi isn't special is the same as saying why math irrational numbers in general aren't…
I love my PS4 but man show some class
Do you guys have an official partnership with CinemaSins, or this some kind of under the table deal?
If only this article stated that!
Congrats on discovering "geographic racism" and finding its source in the US and tying it irrefutably to video availability! Your intellectual peers must be in awe.
How much did Sony pay you for this article?
Only the original ending (even if you dont like it) is legitimate. The author (Bioware) can decide what is canon and what is not, this is a pure exercise of writing.
Xbox support typically responds to everyone that tweets at them, why bother apologizing to an obvious troll with a canned unneeded apology.
You'll have to forgive kraenk12. He knows not what he's talking about 90% of the time and just repeats what he sees and hears from other people.
Before people cry foul on size, keep in mind that the XB One has hardware for both an HDMI passthrough and a cable tuner. There are probably additional power needs for both.
If I see another article with this "ooh look it's 8-bit" despite graphics clearly leaning more toward 16-bit I will scream.
the stupid earpiece looks so cheap ollol
Exbawks, I don't care about the "gap", I'm an Xbox vet, and I like the features better.