
>Hundreds of people work very hard. A handful of people in boardrooms get very, very rich.

That’s really unrealistic.

Hint: D.Va is ass

Your statement impliesvthat you can only play online with strangers. If you play online with the people you lan with, that’s a moot point.

Dancing circles around Faber? You realize that faber choked him out in thier first fight, and that many people felt Faber won the second fight - either way, it was close and Cruz got rocked a couple of times. I would hardly calling it “dancing circles” around him.

Wow man, you sound like a bag of fun.

Destiny dlc cash grab over Halo 5? Nty

And video games are toys. Why bother assigning value to any of it? Give me a break. Anyone can make a case for any aspect of gaming or any other hobby being a waste of money. This will make sense for some, and not for others.

This is the single best and most accurate post to ever grace a gawker thread. Well done.

Tbh the executives likely got extremely high level creatives to help with the ads, not themselves, but I get what you’re saying.

Counting punches is a terrible proposal. Say you allow 5 punches. If a flyweight throws 5 unanswered punches, there’s a lot less damage than a heavyweight throwing 5 punches to a downed opponent. Also, where do you reset the count? What if a fighter does enough to reset the count but the ref misses it? There’s still

I don’t think he was criticizing te pace of the article, ebert. I think the reaction to the spider being so ridiculous and overkill was the point lol. Jeez.

Yeah, a bunch of vulgar overreactions on twitter show how gorrible Nintendo is. Give me a break.

Maybe they were burned with inventory excess in the past and want to make sure they keep holding and dumping costs low.

Society is *made* of winners and losers. If you feel like a loser because you feel left out out, you’re why the model works, and need to reevaluate your life.

I mean...if you’ve played either system, you know the sfx an graphics are well earlier than SNES. This is like calling an original xbox game a 360 game...


If anything, the gaming media portrayed it as the next best thing after seeing so little, and then sold it out.

Given the addictive nature of mobile games, I would disagree about realism.

Opening joke is a fail. After failing to realize the major content update is live and fixed almost all issues, you then linked an article that failed to acknowledge the update as well.