lmao bungie? Have you played destiny's laggy ass multiplayer?
lmao bungie? Have you played destiny's laggy ass multiplayer?
I also hated that.
Nope. Clickbait doesnt have to be vague. It can alsi simply be hyperbolic or needlessly controversial. There's a reason why every gawker blog shares controversial posts like this. Fuck, I learned about it on io9.com, which is supposed to be a fucking science blog for crying out loud. Its just the gawker business…
How is "who is the shittiest pokemon ever" any less clickbait than "fuck pickachu"?
*sigh* Now we're going apeshit about "newer pokemon" not getting a chance to shine because a company smartly uses their iconic character? Is there a bullshit cause you WON'T engineer?
They also lost all SOE game exclusivity.
You clearly didn't netplay on the origan xbox vs ps2 and ps3 vs 360 if you think Xbox live wasn't worth every fucking cent. The gap has closened current gen, but acting like they were even close in past gens put a high power spotlight on your bias.
This. 100% catch 22.
God damn with the click bait.
Nope. in the FGC tech is still short for technology, its' just said in a tongue-in-cheek way. It stems from on-stream use of the phrase "Dat *insert character* technology!" Used by commentators, which is said when someone does something specific to their character.
I leg press almost 5 times my bodyweight, and 'm not some jacked PED abusing italian plumber from NY. Lol.
Anime picture, name dropping weeb games and zelda - I'm sure you really needed turning off to this game in order to not buy it. Give me a break, lol.
Boy, did you misread that.
Pros were the ones who *asked* for descoping. No descope in halo 4 made firefights stupid and boring there wasnt any reason to close ground.
Did you watch the sprint series on halo channel? All of their feedback was very constructive. 343 is paying them and trucking them in to help with design, its really cool.
What? 99% of halo players wanted descoping. Im all for change, but don't talk out of your ass.
the shoulder charge does the same damage as a regular melee and requires sprinting for a few seconds.
Except that many of the people from bungie responsible for halo are at 343.
Not always. Titanfall is notorious for handling much better with sticks.
Big Alpha*, and I believe it was well received.