I'm so glad I'm getting a One. I would get it on the PC but to run this at the level I want I would need to spend more than the cost of a One. I mean my PC rig is decent and can play the latest games at 360 quality but it's nothing spectacular.
I'm so glad I'm getting a One. I would get it on the PC but to run this at the level I want I would need to spend more than the cost of a One. I mean my PC rig is decent and can play the latest games at 360 quality but it's nothing spectacular.
You seem not everyone is a loser like yourself, a lot of people enjoy football and want those features as well as a good gaming machine
It looks like China has already shuffled through his penal system. Heyo!
So...you are a fanboy that wasn't purchasing a XB1, that watched an ad not intended for you and you were unaffected and then came to Kotaku to share your disappointment that an ad not aimed at you for a product you don't want was ineffective.
I honestly don't really believe that pc master race is really a master race. you guys miss out on some great games because you feel so superior with your pc (i have gaming pc too but I don't brag about it). I leave this picture here for reference.
By enough said, do you mean it's been enough times insecure children who need validation that they've made the right choice have to come in to console articles and seek out other people who might agree with them?
Let's be honest. Fanboys on both sides will be rioting in the streets. Besides, both consoles will do just fine.
Star this so the spoiler doesn't make it to the top.
Why is this an article at all? Forum ignores personal boundaries and delves into a person's personal life. Kotaku "reports" on it, publicizes it, potentially exacerbating the situation. I don't think it belongs on this site, or any respectable site really.
Why are they being so vague? Why mislead the public like this?
You all hate call of duty, yet here you are, talking shit on a comment thread about a game you're inevitably going to buy made by a developer you claim to hate and released by a publisher you say is evil.
That's at least doable. Getting the Unobtainium in large enough quantities to build the thing - THAT is going to be the challenge.
I'm not buying a Xbone til it comes with a Swedish supdermodel girlfriend! Who's with me!?
no, that is just more hyperbole. the Xbox One was a new product and had no effect on the 360 as a product so your analogy is just wrong.
What I'm reading is :
"Heyyyyy I hate everything xbox so I'm going to make bad jokes and pull information out of my ass!"
Kotaku authors, I beseech you: Stop writing articles that mostly consist of "funny" on-the-nose captions under screenshots of things people spent a lot of time crafting. It makes you look like the Perez Hilton of gaming.
Now, I'm not defending Microsoft here, but really, the tone of the article - heck, even the title - is comically antagonistic.
Who is seriously going to use their TV to jump on Reddit while waiting for a multiplayer match to start?
But come on, can't anyone on this site write an article about Xbox One without trying to diss it in the process?