There’s potential for a limerick right there!
There’s potential for a limerick right there!
How’s this?
So now I’m rooting for Trey fucking Gowdy? Goddamn it!
This will be the new normal until the adults in the room get back from their smoke break. I think they said smoke - they might’ve said lunch, in which case, it could be a while.
Lady Stoneheart seems like a narrative deadend to me. i much prefer what the show has done with the Brotherhood without Banners
Omg I was literally having this exact conversation at lunch today. I went to college and never made my bed again (except when changing the sheets). Have loved never having to do it ever again!
In the greater scheme of things? Of course not. But it is a part of keeping things neat and keeping control of general chaos that is a child’s life. Kids need structure no matter how much they protest otherwise. As a Dad, I need to give home a framework on how to be a good person. It’s not about making his bed, it’s…
I like your thinking, but I think you are wildly wrong on your assessment of the productivity loss. The truly sick thing about the lower salaries these farms tend to pay undocumented workers is that they do so despite those workers insane productivity. “Unskilled job” in this case, is a term which is as incorrect as…
If you had the board game Fireball Island in the ‘80s, odds are you never forgot it. Not just because it was a wild…
I’d love to hear a lawyer break down these kinds of NDAs... I always thought that an NDA couldn’t be used to cover up illegal activities, and workplace discrimination would seem to fall under that category.
I think it’s D) That they’re so threatened by her that not only did they need to create this image, they needed to make her look pallid and sickly in addition to ripping up the Constitution.
Yeah true enough.
He’s not a flat-Earther, he just pretends to be one so he can grift the rubes into crowdfunding his little hobby.
There’s a “dying on that hill” joke there somewhere but I’m feeling lazy this morning.
It should have been in Cyrillic
Yes, but not at the same time.
You mean Mitch McConnell’s drug-smuggling wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao?
I had no idea! Thank you for this amazing lead.
And razed the entire block, and salted the earth behind.