
But also...They were using a different technique on them during principal photography. They had rotating poles with 3M screen material to reflect back to the lens. It didn’t work great so they painted over it (also red v blue). In Empire, that was the choreography type that they used (LotR choreographer played Vader

If you call me via Facetime without some sort of prearranged reason, I will start putting your number down on internet surveys. 

We salted the Earth and sprinkled holy water all about the ground, no demons are making it in this way!

I got $ says Horatio Sanz plays him in the movie, David Spade plays Conway. 

Some gifs and memes will eventually be recognized as art and this is one of them.

This is a fair take. I do it a few times per week when the NPR news alert square pops up on my phone.  It could be an earthquake or a montage of hedgehog photos set to music, but my response is always, "What the frickin' frack has the neon gasbag done now?!?" Sadly, it is usually the correct response.  

Yiddish has the best curses:

God, I hope he stubs his toe on a nightstand in the worst way.

He also used the non-word “Councel” for about the 9,743rd time.

What’s Sarah Sanders’ sign? She’s really beginning to worry me.

This story would be way creepier if it were the prop Ultron that disappeared.

Now playing

A star can be a form of ‘thank you,’ I think (in Kinja).

all the stars

Dude, I’ve been to Albuquerque. I’ll take the fucking volcano.

This looks just like what’s happening to America.

It’s looking for the high ground.

I can’t believe there were 10 people ever willing to talk to you.

i had a random guy stop me in the streets first ask me if i had seen the movie and say to me, (visibly shaken) “they are coming back right? right?, my friends were upset they all died..but they all coming back right??” and then i also i had to explain to him who it was that Nick Fury paged.

I’m not a screen writer or theorist, just a fan, and I see at least two ways to reverse it.