flinching from an aggressive movement is also an involuntary reflex, and cops have used it to press resisting arrest charges. :(
flinching from an aggressive movement is also an involuntary reflex, and cops have used it to press resisting arrest charges. :(
I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:
I don’t blame other countries for laughing at us. I would be laughing too if I didn’t live here.
Just like the USA should have a re-vote for president. As our president has said many times “The vote was rigged!” You heard that from the horses’ ass, I mean, mouth.
I’d read earlier today that someone had set the roadside collection of flowers, etc., in her memory afire.
So what you are saying is that there is some sort of lesson to be learned here? Give us a hint. Please?
UK Update:
Just logged in to say that this is an amazing post. It’s cogent, not ad hominem, reasoned and pretty much on the nose. It probably doesn’t hurt that I agree with it 100%. Excellent work.
Yeah, this thinking had people falling over themselves to try and excuse my uncle when he died. My uncle was a monster. Once a person goes past a certain point of scumminess, I think it should be fair game to call a spade a spade. Dying shouldn’t give you any special priveledges if you’re a worthless piece of crap.
I’m sad only because we won’t get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.
Pretty sure that all right-minded people can agree that adding the definition “figuratively” to the word “Literally” is the stupidest thing to happen to the English language in the last...ever.
I am sorry, but you simply can’t use Trump and ethics in the same sentence.
I was a wee one when I first got into Spider-Man comics, and him and MJ had already been married for a couple of years by that point, and I had zero problems with relating to Pete. If anything, seeing him married and in a loving relationship with someone like MJ gave me something to kind of look forward to. Made me…
Damn Democrats, not rolling over like the SDP did for the previous Fuhrer!
Yeah, but let’s hope this abomination does not actually get passed, whatever the political benefits to the Democratic Party. It’s nothing like a normal healthcare bill, it’s a generous tax cut for the very wealthy, disguised as a healthcare bill. Hundreds of thousands of people will be ruined. And some, maybe a lot,…
Thank you, you saved me from having to point out some basic facts about what “Freedom of Speech” is. Also, it’s worth noting that most of the Left are also pissed that the protests (which is 100% protect free speech,) turning into a riot (100% a crime and not protected free speech) at Berkley. It’s okay to voice…
42... The answer is 42 times.
I have been bedridden for long stretches of time, so there’s nothing strange to me about your train of thought. I understand exactly where you’re mind is - working out life’s puzzles is valid. Good luck to you.
There is another theory that hypothesizes that that has happened at least once already.
were for a long timeare used as a wildcard/placeholdersymbols