One Way Monkey

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

I watched it this morning knowing that some people thought it was sexist and I wasn’t offended by it, even knowing that I was supposed to be... Where do I turn in my feminist card?

Vets can be really powerful. They’re practically the one group trump voters feel like they can’t hate on and can’t call a commie snowflake liberal. They had a big impact on standing rock too.


That’s great.

It’s been awhile since we’ve watched video of Hillary Clinton talking into the camera with her trademark calm, robotic cheer, and I didn’t realize how much I missed it until now.

I will never forgive Fallon for rustling Trump’s hair. Fuck that guy for doing his part to normalize this shit.

Twitter blocked at the office. Is that the one with Iranian man waiting for his brother at the airport? That one finally broke me. That man’s story is my father’s story exactly. Except my father is Syrian, not Iranian.

I need the ACLU, Dems and journalists to get this man impeached YESTERDAY. The fact he’s moving so fast to burn our country to the ground shows that he knows he’s got limited time. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING.

Lately I find that I’m angry all the time. To the point that I forget why and I stop and wonder what I’m angry about. And then I remember that president trump is destroying america/our democracy and all of our lives.

Remember that the Women’s March also has the 10 Actions/ 100 Days if you want other ideas on how to stay involved. Today is postcards to your elected officials!

You know who was my favorite speaker at the Women’s March? A man, one who used to annoy the hell out of me. Michael Moore. He kept it simple: he provided the number we call to voice concerns to our representatives. Then he told us: call every day. Put it in your schedule along with brushing your teeth and showing up

fucking brilliant
