One Way Monkey

Remember that the Women’s March also has the 10 Actions/ 100 Days if you want other ideas on how to stay involved. Today is postcards to your elected officials!

You know who was my favorite speaker at the Women’s March? A man, one who used to annoy the hell out of me. Michael Moore. He kept it simple: he provided the number we call to voice concerns to our representatives. Then he told us: call every day. Put it in your schedule along with brushing your teeth and showing up

fucking brilliant

omfg, this is good

Showing my wife right this second. Such a thing of beauty. (The sign and my wife. Natch.)



I had to really go in close and get my reading glasses to read the tiny writing. I was not disappointed for my effort.

Cannot star this enough!!


lololol the Harry Potter reference with “Lord Damp Nut”. We’re blessed to have so many creative, funny, brave, courageous women and men and children in our country. I very much needed to be reminded of that.

Omg I posted the same one! This made me cry!

OMG, how beautiful <3 <3 <3

I was pleasantly surprised by how many men were at the NYC march. One of my favorite chants was a call-and-respond where the women shouted “My body, my choice” and the men responded “Her body, her choice.” I’ve been feeling very alone in this crazy country recently, and today was a good reminder that we have friends

Another woke little dude. Saw this on twitter.


one of my favourite signs today was just south of Dundas and held by a man standing on the sidelines. it said in huge letters: PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I CAN DO TO HELP. My girlfriend and I just squeezed each others hands and talked about how nice it was to see the allyship.

this picture made me tear up