This is also a good way to avoid me snapping my fingers in your face and feverishly whispering “GET OFF YOUR PHONE” while walking in NYC.
This is also a good way to avoid me snapping my fingers in your face and feverishly whispering “GET OFF YOUR PHONE” while walking in NYC.
Am I supposed to be snarky about this because I can’t imagine why I should be. It seems like they’ve pulled off an amicable divorce and are focused on making sure their kids see their parents “together” and not acting like angry children. I have no problem with anything she’s saying. Good for her for being able to…
I’m signing up for Lenny. I don’t have the hatred for Lena (or Gwyneth, for that matter) that many Jez commenters do, so there’s that. Plus, I am interested to see what the content will be. Goop is ridiculous mainly because I don’t aspire to owning an $800 throw blanket, however they do have some kick-ass recipes. I’m…
Honestly, this is a really common practice, the use of unpaid volunteer staff throughout the campaign, with only a few paid staff. It’s good that she’s paying the interns, but this is, as usual, something that is really common being turned just on Clinton. Frankly, it’s starting to annoy me a little. I’m tired of…
Except they’re two significantly different things; to even suggest one is an alternative to the other illustrates a fundamental ignorance of both. I think before anything else changes, we should make it illegal to form and share opinions about a subject without at least reading its Wikipedia entry. I’m so tired of…
Will Tristafe be in it or not?
Early this morning, activist Bree Newsome climbed a flagpole in Columbia, South Carolina and removed the Confederate…
Hell yes: the Supreme Court has struck down all federal bans on same-sex marriage. What a beautiful day for basic…
Yes — this comment! Because this woman is an asshole and her comment is horrible and there are plenty of other assholes in Israel, just like there are plenty of assholes here. There are also plenty of people in Israel that aren’t — just like here. In general, never a good policy to sum up an entire country by the…
I have always found the anti-Israel comments to be a bit of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, every country has their own problems and criticism of government policies is a good thing. On the other hand, I would argue that the level of vitriolic comments that Israel receives is much higher compared to other…
I have the weirdest ladyboner right now...
Too bad he/she couldn’t be less cliché.
Once it becomes legal to marry a photoshopped image in all 50 states, I will propose to this masterpiece. This is uncanny.
It’s just incredible to me that we finally have a truly progressive candidate who speaks well for himself, debates like a pro, and never, I mean EVER, dodges a question. And what does the left do?? They call him “unelectable.” In Sweden Bernie would be a moderate for Fu##’s sake.
If you spent 5 mins googling Sanders instead of stereotyping him your opinion might have more value. Guy has spent his entire career fighting for the working class.
No offense, but it’s clear you need to some more research on Mr. Sanders if you're comparing him to Reagan and Bush, because he leans about as far left as any man could. I highly suggest you read a bit about him; you might be surprised in a very good way.
Why ask Hillary to be Bernie Sanders when we already have Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sander IS a viable candidate; he’s not Ron Paul, who comes across like a kook. Yes, Bernie’s a Democratic Socialist, and he’s honest about it. And....big ass plus....I’ve never seen him field a question awkwardly or dodge a confrontation.