
As soon as he does it outside of Scotland.

Vardy was always a twat.

I think it’s safe to say Suarez, Ronaldo, and Messi are not going to be able to be purchased for 90M in a world where that’s the price you actually get Higuain for instead.

*extremely confused voice* I AGREE WITH BILLY!

He at least has some what of a point. Chelsea have had a bunch of manager before and after Mourinho and most haven’t won a lot. He’s a huge prick but it’s not like they had a Manchester United history prior to his arrival.

To be fair, a parade through the streets of Dallas is totally foreign territory for the Cowboys.

Scene opens: A man, blonde, not too closely removed from an athletic life sips a bourbon out of a highball glass.

The most insane stat I heard about the end of the game: PSG completed FOUR passes between the 85th minute and full-time. THREE of those were from kick-off after conceding Barcelona goals.

Remember that good relief outing by Will Smith? Nope, me either. Hunter Strickland is still a gas can too.

They beat teams like the Cubs for all 3 championships. And the only reason they didn’t last season is the bullpen. If they won that fucking game they would have won the series, I’m convinced of that.

“I must point out that this was bad refereeing that gave them the second penalty. The contact that preceded Suárez throwing himself to the ground was very soft.”

“Correction: second American.” - Abby Wambach

“preferred to André Schürrle and Shinji Kagawa”

Hopefully not for a very, very long time*.

“Only 3s and dunks!” is a 100% Donald Trump sports take. It’s founded on the idea that you can separate everything into “good parts” and “bad parts”, easily get rid of the “bad parts” and everything will be fantastic.

If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it....

let’s rank sports sounds, shall we?

but not have to subject myself or wife to the glow of a 42 incher

Gordon Bombay, is that you?

Don’t worry, since this is Atlanta the stands will be empty in no time.