
“These people have awful names.”

Yes. The headline makes it sound like this great shot is off a rebound from that miss.

Damn that first miss was so close super glad I got to see it

The relaxed lifestyle of the Mediterranean does create some self-indulgent PIIGS.

Pretty rich for a Portuguese guy to lecture a German about commitments.

Get ready:

I will always, always star a Sherman burns Atlanta joke. Forever.

This is a decidedly dumb chant for a dumb and useless team, but 125 years ago, Brazilians were imitating English football culture shamelessly. The game was brought over by an English immigrant, Corinthians is named after a now defunct club in the UK, and Cruzeiro and Palmeiras were started as Italian club photocopies.

Might as well finish what Sherman started, right?

Uhh, paid protestors?

At least start some fires or something

Except Durant will have something to do in May & June

I thought Kinja was acting funny. Now how am I supposed to procrastinate at work? I already sent 2 emails and 4 responses to people at work. This is getting out of control. They are going to start expecting this level of support everyday.

European football trade rumors???

Bravo, Claudio

Friendly advice Laura: call them transfer rumors, not trade rumors.

-1 ball playing goalie

You couldn’t have saved this for earlier in the season?

He traveled.

Just tell me who wore the nekkedest dress when it’s all over, so I can spend the better part of a workday looking at that on The Bing.