
White people ended slavery like Trump ended the birther controversy - by ceasing to perpetuate it.

Not a lot of athletes on the white team. Unfortunately for them, also not many gritty, coach’s son, deceptively quick, high IQ, gym rats either.

I’m pretty sure Zion’s not going to be playing in Europe after college.

His name is Jason Pierre Paw.

Shoulda taken a beat, removed the USC shirt, and had another USC shirt underneath

Apparently nobody told Levi you’re never supposed to double wrap a Trojan

Funniest part of that video?

T-minus five minutes until your uncle’s Facebook explodes about a Mexican stealing something on his way over the wall.

Let’s be honest, Emily was at a Cardinals game.

I once got food poison from a fast food restaurant. I won’t say which one, but let’s just say they are known for their roast beef sandwiches with horsey sauce and curly fries.

Stop making these pathetic excuses. Tom Brady being a fancy dog is a joke, not reality. Putting a hat with the slogan of a declared presidential candidate in your locker is a political statement. If he doesn’t want to stand by the political statement he made, he should say that. If he does, he should say that.

If that’s the case, why doesn’t he say so? I feel like he could very easily deflate (har) a lot of this if he just said something along those lines.  

Go Falcons.

I think Rex is too much of an intellectual to have a place in a Trump White House.

I love Dan and hope he enjoys his week off.

For dodgeball, remember the 5 ‘D’s:

My fellow commenters never star my shit. It isn’t because it isn’t funny, it’s because you all are a bunch of bad teammates. I’ve gone to management repeatedly about this and they kept saying who are you? And please stop talking to us. Magary just sent me a link to his book and HamNo just yelled unions repeatedly. It

Highest paid player in the league, who makes 1/3 of the league salary cap, playing for a team that has by a wide margin the highest payroll in the league complains the team isn’t spending enough money on payroll.

This fucking guy.

The NBAPA would never allow this to happen.