If convicted Tang could face up to a year in jail and possible deportation to his native Canada.
If convicted Tang could face up to a year in jail and possible deportation to his native Canada.
I'm more concerned with privacy and information laws, personally, than seizure.
Here's my translation... It's a bit rough...
Can you enjoy the engine sound if you know it's not real, and being piped in through the stereo?
Et tu, Ford?!?!?!
2014 replied and said, pick an avatar.
He's the man. He literally gives zero fucks.
I often make much more than this, by simply driving my car to a destination (Mexico), letting some people fill my trunk with duffel bags, and driving it right back ( to America)! I don't even have to let it sit there!
I think the comprehensive list of things Tigers will eat is:
My friend Doug was unemployed for months. Last month, he made $1,000 in just a few hours! And all he had to do was not drive his Ferrari! You too can learn Doug's secret by clicking, here.________________________________________________________
I regularly want to shoot the BMW X5s I work on, so this is kind of a bummer.
He's a "faggot" because he's wheeliing a 500bhp bike? Keep that kind of ignorant shit to yourself, asshole.
I had to drive a friend down to VA from NJ for a speeder he got in a rural county. He got clocked at 103, written for 95. His lawyer told him to go down the day before and check into the jail voluntarily, which he did. The prosecutor tried to throw a week in jail at him, a $2000.00 fine, and a year's license…
Jesus, I thought CA was bad. And jail for speeding is bullshit.
"TBD" engine specs across the board, huh? You know what else is To Be Determined? Me buying one.
I worked for years at a daily newspaper, and I worked closely with local TV news stations. They fuck up plenty, believe me. If anything modern journalism is freer, more democratic, and more dangerous to the people in power than it's ever been.
My idea of a track Car: