She is pretty, but she's....boring. And I feel like she tries way too hard. It's unappealing.
She is pretty, but she's....boring. And I feel like she tries way too hard. It's unappealing.
Dear Everyone:
who in turn might have taken seriously a field agent's report that a group of Middle Eastern men were taking flying lessons but didn't seem particularly interested in learning how to land.
She's way less terrifying than any of the others in the potential pool.
Honestly, I don't even think that's the biggest problem here, though you do have an interesting point. Entourage is about an entitled asshole who is praised for being an entitled asshole because he's cool and rich and bangs everyone. People are criticizing Girls because, guess what, the protagonists are female. It's…
Oh you just got hearted.
The gel might be fine for your nail, but doesn't the acetone totally kill it?
Is Hollywood nepotism that big of a problem in the grand scheme? It's not like we're talking about the fucking US Presidency.
It's disgusting. "We only want to watch women in TV shows if they'll get naked and are hot." @@
I find it interesting that, among all of the shows/films you could criticize for "nepotism," the one show that is dominated by a female cast gets the brunt of the backlash. Coincidence?
Jesus Christ. The shit getting piled on this show is insane.
I like it. I think it's entertaining and funny.
Hopefully he won't be playing much anyway, since His Hotness Mark Sanchez is still our actual QB.
I love you.
Wise little one!
As I diehard Jets fan, I hate that we now have this overrated, mediocre quarterback. Mark Sanchez isn't exactly the greatest QB ever, but he sure is nice to look at and isn't obnoxious.
Naw. She's a fucking hypocrite. The image is completely relevant. She's obviously trying (too hard) to act sexy in that photo. She doesn't get to call other women slutty for needing abortions.