"She Won't Be Able To Keep Her Hands Off Of You"
"She Won't Be Able To Keep Her Hands Off Of You"
Hi! Yeah, you know my feelings on this. It can get rather annoying, how they're so obviously pandering to the hetero male set. Eye roll.
Huh. Mercury being retrograde sure explains a lot about the past few months or so.
It is phenomenal.
Yep. Same.
Pretty sure I'm the only person who hates Game of Thrones. Kind of hard to get into a show with so many lovely rape scenes and all that jazz.
Haha that's so true!
Not sure, I pulled it from [whatshouldwecallme.tumblr.com]
Self-loathing women with low self esteem.
I just can't anymore.
IDK, at least Stodden is ridiculous enough to be sort of campy. Kate Upton is actually trying to be 100% serious, and it shows.
She tries very hard and it's quite awkward. She was at the Rangers game last night and they put her on the jumbotron, and she was doing this weird winky-kissy face thing. I cringed. She's 19 so I don't think she has a good grasp of how to be sexy without looking desperate.
I agree. This article is realllllly nitpicking to find something to be outraged over.
Exactly what I was coming here today. Hell, I wish my office was like this. I go into the cafeteria with the mindset of "I'll have something healthy" but then the special for the day is a cheesesteak.
ITA. I don't like strip clubs. I hate the attitudes of the men who patronize them even more. I hold no contempt for strippers, though, like you.
Seriously. I do not like this at all.