
Don't we elect these representatives so they can, you know, REPRESENT their constituents and make decisions for them? Should we just send EVERYTHING to referendum? Fucking Christ on a cracker.


Amen. It's no joke.

I'm normally not one to defend the Pope or the Church, but he was in the Hitler Youth, which was a requirement for all young German boys.

Ewww, I'd gouge my eyes out if my parents talked about how they conceived me whilst boning on the Spanish Steps.

*hugs* thank you :)

Thanks for saying that. He really had me doubting myself and I was forced to revisit my relationship with him to see what I did wrong. I'm not perfect but no one is. I think he could've handled this so much better. Ugh.

It's disgusting. I can't believe it.

Thanks. I really need to start ignoring him. I hope he doesn't contact me ever again, unless it's to buy me a fucking goddamn FERRARI for putting up with this shit today. I should be canonized for not murdering him with my bare hands. Ugh.

My ex, who dumped ME, initially by telling me in person that he needed some "alone time" yet continued to text me and actually asked me to hang out on one occasion and then subsequently deleted our relationship from facebook without any warning, is trying to fight with me. I've been silent towards him ever since he

I remember when she was at the top of her game, like Mean Girls era, and all my guy friends thought she was the hottest thing alive.

George Michael has a sad.

Some people are into cousin-fucking.

Erin, I fucking love you for referencing Arrested Development in like 90% of your posts.

I happen to agree that it probably was for publicity. Like DailyLattes said, they sent the pics to TMZ. I think that's exploitative of the kids, and I agree that there is a racial aspect. This wouldn't have happened in a wealthier district, full stop. As for sex work.....I don't know. My opinion is similar to

It's quite possible to critique the sex work industry without thinking that sex workers are less than human.

I went to PP when I was 14 to get birth control pills, without a parent or guardian.

This makes sense. When I lived in Italy, I'd have a croissant with Nutella for breakfast pretty much every day. I lost weight there, and Florentines are quite skinny.

Who isn't a fan of donuts and bacon???!!!

I like to think that whoever designed that logo was trolling the fuck out of him.