Seriously? This morning I was 10 minutes late to work because a gigantic truck was stopped in the middle of the road trying to turn around. I'm not going to leave 10 minutes earlier every day on the off chance that some random traffic hits.
Seriously? This morning I was 10 minutes late to work because a gigantic truck was stopped in the middle of the road trying to turn around. I'm not going to leave 10 minutes earlier every day on the off chance that some random traffic hits.
I vote him DILF of the Year. He is smokin'. Call me, Jon. I will console you during this rough time.
I just hearted the fuck outta you.
Your boy better be 1st chair violinist by the time he's three!
Eh, it's necessary when they're potty-training and whatnot. Kids don't always realize they have to pee until it's dribbling down their leg.
Anyone who has taken one intro to child psychology class could tell you this.
Oh— yeah, negligent wasn't a good word for me to use. Thanks for the follow-up information though. Glad he's involved with the boy, especially in light of his lack of a relationship with his own father.
This story gets sadder and sadder. I am not even sure what to think. The correct verdict was handed down (the prosecutor fucked up) but there's too much weirdness here. Something tells me that even if she was responsible somehow, she did not intentionally murder that baby.
In his defense, I believe that the mother did not attempt to involve Jay Z in the child's life and that might have not known that she had a baby. I may have dreamt up the second part, but I don't think he was deliberately negligent.
Um. I'm white. And I use hair products. If the sign said "please rinse your hair of any product before using the pool," I could MAYBE see the point, since technically a lot of public pools ask you to rinse off in the shower before entering for hygiene issues. But this bitch is just crazy and racist.
She told the magazine, "I'd rather be overweight and curvy than super thin with no curves," as though she'd sooner be a prisoner in her grotesque body than conform to the patriarchal demands of sleazy topless Vegas show producers. Such a martyr for the women's movement. A regular Alice Paul.
I bet the admitted adultery would be grounds for an annulment. It's been a while since Catholic school religion class, but yeah.
Great point. And any moron can get a driver's license. I'm as much of a control freak as anyone, but I think you have just as little control behind the wheel of your car as you do as a passenger on the plane.
No prenup. He schooled her. He's getting a big pay day.
My boyfriend....whatever he is going seriously split personality on me. We're "on a break." Idk. I don't know if he's too scared to dump me and just wants me to dump him, but then again, when he makes a decision he typically stands by I don't know why he's being wishy washy? A few of my friends…
Let's talk about how much I hate men. My boyfriend(?) sucks. Sigh.
Oh thank God, I was beginning to question my entire childhood/life.
OMG THE CHEWING. I think we are twins. Or soulmates.
Irish-Italian is a weird combination or are you being sarcastic? In my hometown, everyone is at least one or the other, and many people are both!