
Great point. Plus, the person flying your plane is a professional, and almost 100% assuredly sober (or else *someone* would stop him or her from getting behind the, err, wheel). You never fucking know on the road; some idiot could whiz through a stop sign and t-bone your car.

A lawyer at my firm was telling me that the partners DIDN'T BELIEVE HER that she was going into labor. When she sent out a birth announcement email, they were like "wait....really?"

Ha!! We're twins!!!


So you're cool with a screaming child? That's better than seeing a glimpse of a breast? @@

Thank you.

I read it, but I didn't see its relevance as it's completely asinine.

Or on a giant billboard, if you're in NYC.

RIGHT? I say this every damn time! A woman I occasionally babysat for when I was on break from college once asked me if it was okay if she breastfed her son in front of me, and if I'd be offended. I looked at her like she was nuts. OF COURSE you should feed your hungry baby!

Not to nitpick, but "congresswoman" can technically refer to either a Senator or a Representative. Both the Senate and the House are part of Congress. Though it'd probably be kind of rude...still accurate, though.

Congrats!!! Maybe your baby will be born on my birthday? That's ALMOST as cool as sharing a birthday with Babeyonce!

Hey, it happens. It's such a sad thing, I feel awful for her.

Maybe he's a big fan of Montreal strip clubs?

or carefully putting on their socks in just the right way (because, duh, otherwise the seams press into their toes!

No, I referred to her baby as the Messiah, referring to the massive amounts of publicity this pregnancy has accrued.

Oh Christ on a Cracker. They are entitled to mourn, but this is over the top and frankly just seems like fame-whoring. Gross.

Awww, I'm kinda sad if only because originally I heard that Pregnance was going to give birth in February, and I kind of wanted to share a birthday with the Messiah. Wah :(

As someone else pointed out, the "before" Jennifer hadn't yet experienced losing three family members to murder. I imagine that changed her quite a bit.

Good point. The poor woman has been through a lot. I think she looks gorgeous either way. And her voice is phenomenal, as always.

I thought this commercial was a joke when I saw it. Like a really poorly executed SNL skit or something.