Uh, this is pretty much the equivalent of saying that native representation in movies either doesn’t exist or can only be Johnny Depp playing Tonto.
Uh, this is pretty much the equivalent of saying that native representation in movies either doesn’t exist or can only be Johnny Depp playing Tonto.
Also, their history is real, not "fiction" but I wouldn't understand a Englishwoman to get that considering what they did to the Indigenous of the Americas over the past 400 years.
There’s also this mess:
I like Harry Potter but I’m not sure how I feel about her including American Indians into it. Too often the characters are based on stereotypes and not on more culturally accurate information. I have to see how she handled it to decide how I feel about it.
100% uncontroversial take:
Not to mention she calls her gun a toy and “plays” with it.
WAY too many of these “Don’t be a fraidy cat of my gun” intimidater types don’t have the FIRST CLUE as to how to store or handle them safely.
It’s time for mandatory education before purchase, ‘cause these people just aren’t getting it done.
Hopefully her wound will be covered with Liberal Tears brand gauze.
This would be deliciously funny if an innocent kid hadn’t been scarred for life. Fuuuck. Guessing the authorities chalk this up to an accident as per usual.
maybe for the same reasons that some idiots think that #BlackLivesMatter is a threat to cops...?
Another reason why women shouldn't date cops. As if domestic violence wasn't enough, now they're spooks.
The Metropolitan police used this tactic as a matter of practice, as part of a program to infiltrate and spy on “trade unionists, anti-racists and environmental campaigners,”
That doesn’t justify emotional abuse, which is what this is.
There are cases where these cops fathered kids with these women. And even helped raise them for a couple of years and then just ghosted when their assignment was over.
It’s an horrific practice. Some of these men fathered children as well, and then, left to go back to their “real” family. Honestly, the whole thing is repulsive.
Wait, don’t you mean Quake 3/Arena?
Lilly and Lana are both transgender women. Did you really not read the article? Or headline?
No, neither is a guy. Lana and Lilly are both trans women. Lana came out a few years ago, and Lilly just came out. They are now known to the world as the Wachowski Sisters.
I think you are very confused.