“DIY” and “abortion” are two words that should not have to be in the same sentence in the twenty-first century.
“DIY” and “abortion” are two words that should not have to be in the same sentence in the twenty-first century.
Whoa, it’s almost like making abortion more difficult to obtain doesn’t make the need for abortion go away.
I’m gonna march out my front door and punch the first Republican I can find. Bye.
Shhhh pup. Go sleep now. Mummy will be back from the bar soon.
Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.
So wait, they’re angry that unnecessary objectification and sexualization is being removed from their games, so they’re accusing one of the people who works on the games of... sexualizing and objectifying characters?
Or sell it.
It always fit.
This is 64 flavors of MESSED UP. This cop should have known better - and I’ll bet he did. He just wanted to keep the knife.
“The rectum is an exit, not an entrance”
who reportedly believed that the O.J. case was closed.
Dear Pink Repblican Gun Ladies.
For once, Hillary is America.
I hope this story gets more attention. It’s shocking that, in a few short months, Trump’s run has gotten to the point where this happens and the media barely raise an eyebrow. Also, isn’t it sad that they all had to explain why they were wearing black, justifiably anticipating the “What did you expect coming in there…
A bigger issue is that jobs that really just require a HS diploma(and used to) now require a 4 year degree AT LEAST, so you can show them you are adequately in high debt and likely to stay in their crappy job working for shitty managers, and enjoying their disappearing benefits forever. Or until they go under, get…
Before people start in on knowing how much they make before I made it my major, shut the fuck up.
Accurate. I made more working in retail than I did as a preschool teacher.
Children, nature's backhanded gift to humanity.
Behind all of these police brutality cases and incidents where cops shoot unarmed people is the justification that not being cooperative is a crime that is worthy of a death sentence without a trial. I wish grand juries would start thinking of it this way. Even if she had been combative and uncooperative (which she…
she was “combative and uncooperative