
You sound like you are 10 years old. Pathetic.

I’ve learned to just let it wash over me. I spend a lot of time in those meetings just smiling and nodding.

I work in production and this is 100% accurate.

You get what you pay for.

Yep, there are lots of assholes out there. Dont be one.

You sound like an absolute pathetic loser. I hope your a troll.

You are an idiot. Please dont breed.

“the “turn the whole world gay” crowd”

You should see all the board gamers with families on boardgamegeek.

You are underestimating the intense level of racism in america directed towards black people.

My favorite is the French variety.

His comment also goes to the notion that artists dont deserve to get paid. Fuck that guy.

I dont know. Anime is more depressing.

You play video games alone, read alone ever? Yep? You a loser?

Why? You need people to validate your hobbies?

Early access games are subject to change. Its the nature of early access and unfinished games.

Its unfinished and subject to change. Everyone who buys the game knows this.

Wow, go outside and get some air.

Play another game. I dont like war games. I dont play war games. Easy.

Then you can play something else. I dont play games I dont like. Its easy.