...him juuling during an all-hands meeting in plain sight, leading to someone in Slack asking him to stop...
...him juuling during an all-hands meeting in plain sight, leading to someone in Slack asking him to stop...
Craggs: Oh yeah I definitely want to do that.
Also, Pluto is not a minor planet, fuckwads. Ichiro has a nice little house there. Good views. Pool of nitrogen.
While we are at it, how the fuck has Brussels Sprouts not been a name since name of the year has been going on? I DEMAND ANSWERS.
I mean, it’s not. Plural. the s on the end is just, like an appendix that you added in your head?
I am pretty sure that the vegetable is a plural/singular oddity. Not being EU based, I cannot confirm that the City is a plural singular though.
Just this morning, I also may have also been exposed to measles. And mumps. And rhinovirus. Also rhubella. Definitely rhubarb. Some Brussel issues, sure. Possibly catholics, though one can never tell. Definitely yoga pants. Absolutely diarrhea.
Maybe get in two rounds, if we start early enough.
Pendantic, but the Judge doesn’t say ‘all rise’. That is left to the assistant, known in the Kraft circles as the fluffer.
Rooney is now old man Rooney. Cool, I can dig that he is pushing 35 and bald. Old man Messi? B-haze, he is still in the top 5 players out there, in leagues you effin like!
I would like to know as well. Double birds + Murray in google just gets me a bunch of furry gang bangers
So is this a bare heel or a knuckle heel? I guess he just switches between the two?
Was Forte loaded, just a rhymer, or really going full timer?
Counterpoint: Ashley Feinberg’s lack of spoiler notices ruined at least one Shrek movie for me. Possibly more. So there is that.
Very smoothly slipped that one in.
Wall-ton, hiding behind the drapes just turns my stomach.
Can we call screenshots Kraft Singles?
Birding is more my style.
Each animal, and insect, and commenter is unique. You know? It makes sense to me to leave each to have their own lives, flourishing under the wonderful bounty of mother earth on their own. Untouched by catholics and instas and kinjas.