
Very smoothly slipped that one in.

Wall-ton, hiding behind the drapes just turns my stomach. 


Can we call screenshots Kraft Singles?

Birding is more my style.

Each animal, and insect, and commenter is unique. You know? It makes sense to me to leave each to have their own lives, flourishing under the wonderful bounty of mother earth on their own. Untouched by catholics and instas and kinjas.

That is some good strategery. I’ll buy a dozen. #megfan #cantstopthismegging

I‘ve been coming here every summer of my adult life, and every summer there she is oiling and lotioning, lotioning and oiling... smiling. I can’t take this no more!

To go north, you must go south.

Trade winds blow west to east. That’s why outhouses always open to the left.

Where Ee-A-Inn at? EE-A-Inn!

Sure who cares. How small do the windmills need to be before we just stop claiming these are jousts?

So did they find the jacket? Can I have one?

Did he look like this?

ignore the idiots (above/below) - rewearing is fine.

How long will it take to get to a conclusion is all I’m concerned about here.

What is a bar-boy? Is it guy at the bar? is it a bartender, but more elfin? I’m actually curious. 

He has a dozen pairs. That is very different, cousin done.

I cycle through the same dozen pairs of undies every week. I don’t think I need more than that, and yet if I reduced my supply to just two weeks worth, I would somehow run out of them on a family trip to Busch Gardens, or I would use all of them over the course of a single day when swamp-ass season commences here in

French Truthers unite.