You can also fax and send paper letters. But 2018 is still the way to go. The only way I now f to counteract gerrymandering is to register new voters.
You can also fax and send paper letters. But 2018 is still the way to go. The only way I now f to counteract gerrymandering is to register new voters.
I think this is why he appeals, genuinely, to poor white people. I know a lot of poor white people (largely through helping out with an organisation that provides micro loans, emergency funding, budgeting, meal planning with your food stamps and food pantry box, etc) — and they think that he and Melania are “so…
Yup, he tried that on THIS guy. Trudeau is my hero today.
As a Canadian I have never once seen, heard or read anything referring to Trudeau as “Canada’s Trump”.
I love the way you have this laid out.
Yeah, you know the biligualism had to make Trump really uncomfortable. He probably doesn’t even know Canada has both English & French as official languages & thinks he was speaking Spanish. Which, I kinda hope is the case.
I was actually gob smacked at the masterful passive-agression going on. And the flipping between English and French MEGA-power move!
When I first saw the photos of Trudeau meeting Trump and Ryan I couldn’t figure out why Trudeau looked different than usual. Then I realized it’s cause he’s clenching his jaw so tightly that it’s changing his jawline and chin.
My last job involved dealing with tons of Japanese clients and I had to watch a whole DVD lecture about the culture and customs in Japan. Watching the Abe footage was PAINFUL.
On last night’s episode of John Oliver he did his “Now This” segment on Trump’s handshake. He has done it many many times. The compilation is actually quite funny. I like to think Trudeau saw this last night.
This is what I think people are most critically failing to understand about Trump: in his head, he is more or less literally living in ~1974-1979, and appears to have no notable updated cultural points of reference since then. In his narrative, such as The Warriors & Death Wish are documentaries.
I’ve been tracking…
I know what you mean, iceberg salad came back but never with creamy kraft blue cheese dressing.
It’s such a fake power move, too, trying to pull people in off balance and use his height. Trudeau saw it coming and pulled him forward. Boss move, kid.
jfc he is HOT
I was also impressed with Trudeau’s throwing shade. “Shared environmental treaties,” that Churchill quote about the undefended border being a model for the world, and that line about wanting to be a positive example in the world and not lecturing another country on how they choose to govern. Nicely done.
Oh, my God! You can actually see Trump trying to pull Trudeau’s arm, as he usually does in handshakes, and then getting visibly and increasingly upset by not being able to do it - dammit, Trudeau wasn’t only aware of what Donnie is trying, but is clearly in better shape, so can easily resist Trump’s pull - ‘til the…
Surely this is Daniel Day-Lewis headshot from the mid 80's.
To be fair, we all wish that