
It is not okay. When you see the President’s full entourage you can usually figure out who the Football guy is, but he’s not supposed to be identified and WH photographers seem to try to leave him out of photos (I don’t know if that’s an official policy or not but considering you typically never see the Football guy,

I fucking lost it at that comment. I really wish I could punch people through the internet...

Much of the outrage about the Benghazi incident stemmed from accusations that Hillary was “lying” about it and that she “wasn’t telling the whole story”, when in fact she couldn’t because the stuff going down in that particularly complicated and messed-up part of the world WAS a web of secret alliances and deeply

I know it’s a tired trope by now, but if Hillary had done this, we’d be subject to 40 different hearings about “OMG SALADGATE” with the left likely screaming harder than the right. “SHE COMPROMISED NATIONAL SECURITY FOR A SALAD!!!!” “HILLARY USED GOVT FUNDS TO PAY FOR SALAD OWNED BY HER OWN FOUNDATION!!!!”

I work in IT, and this terrifies me. I have had confidential client docs before and I never EVER looked at even those in public. I locked down confidential client docs tighter than Trump locks down national security documents that were likely classified!

You just KNOW it was more about “letting people at Mar-A-Lago see how cool and important he is” than it was about actual national security. “Ooh looky me I’m president doing president stuff!” (Meanwhile Bannon pulls out a literal camera to hold over classified docs while Toddler In Charge smug mugs for the camera).

Under FERPA, I do more to hide my students’ grades and id numbers than this jackass does to hide classified information that might keep us all from dying. JFC.

This is so messy and low budget. The world is laughing at us.

Derek Smith and Richard DeAgazio seem to have a very unique view on what constitutes a “fabulous” night. I can’t imagine what they’d need to see to register as pants-shittingly terrifying

I keep seeing this sentiment and thinking that yes. He could. But today? I’m thinking ohmyjesussweetlord wereallgoingtodie kissourassesgoodbye thisisit.

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

There is a seriously good chance that this motherfucker will get us all killed.

That is how winter should be. The news is in the heat and floods, not the fact that snow fell in February.

If only he had a plan for some type of wall! This administration doesn’t understand the importance of walls. Not enough emphasis on walls.

And apparently, he got debriefed on the NK missile test IN THE FUCKING RESTAURANT with dozens of people within ear shot. But at least he didn’t use a private email server!

Goddamn....everyone else there is moving and shaking, and he’s just...sitting there, bored...

He’s worse. My niece is in that age group, and although she has all those traits, she’s also fascinated by the world around her and quite willing to copy others who she sees doing work. She also understands sharing and saying sorry when you’re wrong. If he had even that, he’d be a marginally better president.

He’s seriously like a toddler. He needs attention all the time, has a limited vocabulary and throws tantrums if he doesn’t get his way. Look at this picture!

If you look up extra in the dictionary this would be the definition. Did we really need a 10 minute performance by Beyonce about everyone worshiping Beyonce?

When that chair started leaning back, my friend shouted “They’re waterboarding Beyonce!” I snarfled Diet Coke up my nose and haven’t been right since.