That is terrible and so sad.
That is terrible and so sad.
I had an IUD that cost $500. Once it was removed, my husband had a vasectomy costing close to $1000.
The “unhappy” insult was very hypocritical coming from a guy who rants on FB so much.
“so either he just wants to cynically strengthen his appeal to his base (scary) or he is starting to really believe he has been chosen by God (scarier).”
“The party has changed and people who don’t share those same social beliefs get defensive”
She is saying that because a single liberal threw an egg at her, she’ll forcefully join behind Trump and a GOP that seeks to curtail the civil rights of millions.
Well, in my opinion, Adams should have been nominated over Streep. FFJ was sweet, in its weird way and Meryl, performed her role well.She didn’t really deserve the nom. this year.
Did you see Obama help her up the steps while Trump totally ignored her? The Obamas are a total class act.
She got into it freely. But, at this point, she must know that if she left him, Donald would threaten to sue for full custody of Barron and more besides.
And Michelle’s!!
Yep. And not all, but def. most of those fuckers in various Louisiana police departments are some of the most self-important, puffed-up, power-hungry assholes on the planet. They will stop almost anyone for anything (out of state plates, poor folk, a woman alone, people w/ brown skin) but they esp. have it out for…
I similarly get stressed out with ph. calls, so when contacting Reps/Senators (whose contact info is in my phone), I always write down exactly what needs to be said and try to keep it simple.
Thank you! That’s an amazing link. But, who exactly is running this thing? It doesn’t seem to be associated with any trusted group and so I’d rather not input my # and zip.
You can request in person meetings for yourself or a small group. You can also show up to their public forums and meetings of your local Democrat chapter.
Ugh. Why do schools keep inviting that asshole? Are they paying him to speak?
Yep. I’m raising a young feminist who won’t be old enough for the midterms, but can’t wait until he’s of age in 4years. He’s excited to help vote Trump (or Pence) out of office.
The split screen made me so sad.
Seriously. I WISH our schools were flushed with cash. Our teachers and KIDS deserve such a world.
Yes, The real GOP must be delighted that Trump is so full of distractions. He can be dangerous, but sometimes is little more than a carnival side-show distraction..