
No words for how much I love this sign!

Jan. 28 there is an Anti- Choice march scheduled in DC and other capitols.

Volunteering for the local DNC is NECESSARY. Our revolution can’t happen without people doing the boring, unglamorous work day by day. We’ve got to sustain the cause!

We just have to get more involved in the most basic, boring, unglamorous ways. And that involvement must be sustained.

That is SO very PDX!

Way too many publications of have done this. Not that there haven’t been divisions in the past and problems to remedy, but people really came together together today.

“I cannot imagine how terrified I’d be, seeing these images of the women’s marches, if I sat in direct opposition to women’s rights. These are huge numbers of people.”

I hear you. But, we’ll just have to keep going. And find hope where we can.

I’m so proud of marches in the Red states. The number of marchers might be smaller, but the bravery is enormous and reveal the diversity in some of these places! These marchers are surrounded by Conservatism, bigotry, and guns. After all, those in the Blue island city are surrounded by seas of deep Red, rural state.

My kid didn’t attend but insisted I add a “Trump, Be Nice!!!!!!!!!” to the back of my sign. Kids understand that if they ever lied so much and bullied so horribly that they’d be in big time trouble. It really is dismaying for them to see this asshole elected POTUS.

That’s awesome! I was telling my friend that I’m never comfortable bringing my kids to rallies after years ago having been at a huge rally wherein a violent riot broke out. Plus, I’ve got a major phobia of crowds and of loosing my kids in a crowd.

Well, unfortunately, we’ll need to have loads more march and rallies over the next few years. You may have missed this march (for totally understandable reasons!), but if you’ll be able to join the next. The most important thing is to volunteer, donate, and help get out the vote for all elections. :)

The Austin march had a huge turn out and was the most welcoming, peaceful protest I’ve ever attended.

Paul Ryan’s favorite band!

Tell him he’s indulging in willful ignorance.

Austin Women’s March.


Yes! Honestly, the smallest marches give me a ton of hope. Fight the power in the Red states!

That’s great! Power to our sisters in Red States!