
YES. When people wonder if they have an “agreement” I think that level of indiscretion suggests that the terms of any agreement they have is being violated. Certainly the most worrying part is that he keeps doing it. How do you stay with someone who clearly can’t or won’t learn from their mistakes?

Haha, was just thinking that his presence among mortals disprove the death squad theories >_<

exactly. and nothing wrong with that, folks! but it does seem like a huge liability for Huma in her professional world.

Regardless, he’s so indiscreet that I can’t figure out why she doesn’t leave him for not learning that lesson. It’s one thing to be open. It’s another to be a liability. Also, sending a dick pic with your child in the frame is fucked up beyond measure.

Well, it would not be a normal election cycle without a sex(t) scandal starring Carlos Danger.

How does she do that? She’s a professional singer/dancer with 20 years of experience.

Can I say I love Beyonce, but I roll my eyes at the stans? Although this article has only had what seem to be sane fans. A few years ago this would have been just all caps yelling and gifs.

This. I don’t like the idea of this kind of comparison. They are each good at what they do. Let’s not pit two women against each other this way.

Brit and Bey are two very different pop artists, they don’t need to have their performances compared. Enjoy one, both, or be sad and gain nothing from their work.

I’m always shocked at the number of celebrities whose toes just don’t fit in their red-carpet shoes at all— like, every other part of them is manicured / spray-tanned / spanx’ed / bejeweled / exfoliated / fashion-taped / tooth-whitened / contoured into absolutely unattainable perfection, but their toes just refuse to


“This push for women to go topless in the 21st century is as strong as women wanting to vote in the 20th century,”

It’s like, yes it is total bullshit that women cannot be topless, no I would not personally want to partake but do what you like if it does no harm.

In August though? That’s prime boob sweat season. My girls would much rather swing free in May or September.

I call her Big Foot with very good reason. There have been times, many, many of them in fact, where her feet have outgrown shoes at a pace that surpassed my income. Sometimes I have had to go to a thrift store and buy what I could find for the kid to make do until I could get her some new shoes. They were rarely

I feel the same way about brand new raggedy sneakers as I do about jeans that come from the store with preripped knees.

Ugh. I have no argument with wealthy people buying beautiful, expensive things. I would if I could. HOWEVER, deliberately throwing away money on a pastiche of poverty disgusts me.

No legal expert would ever use the words “common sense” and “the law” in the same sentence.

I CAN’T WINK, EITHER! According to the Internet, it's because I'm missing a nerve or some shit around my eyes. I am so pumped that Rihanna is my non-winking brethren.

For a moment I thought you were talking about the Peter Gabriel song and I was going to say that is a way worse offense.