
And here I thought it wasn’t possible for me to want to go to Burning Man any less.

it made no narrative sense that one kid disappears and everyone goes nuts, but another disappears and everyone kinda shrugs.

My favorite character.

hopefully by the end of S2 i will be able to determine if det. hopper is attractive to me or no

In all honesty don’t most celebrities act this way though?

It blows my mind how that amount probably means absolutely nothing to her, yet it would pay off my car. Life, man.

I’ve read those comments and that’s just her trying to stay neutral. She’s in a unique spot because her fans are from both sides of the aisle.

If give her the benefit of the doubt. She’s been an ally since before most of us were born.

Yes, I want fewer photos of naked pregnant ladies, more photos of maternity outfits that aren’t just leggings and big shirts.

Yep, my daughter was a recipient of the book program! <3

Same goes for plus size models, sadly.

Yeah, I think she is saying that because many people have, in fact, told her that they came out due to her over the years.

Seriously. Are we really trying to get offended by her comments because, in addition to the spot-on and seemingly genuine message of “being yourself” she, a 70-something from the Smoky Mountains, also says “the gays”?! Oh the horror! I must clutch my pearls and be pretend angry!

I feel like she is genuinely saying all of these things from a place of love and not in a humblebrag way whatsoever. Seriously. She just seems like one of the best humans to ever grace this earth.

Lol “we need Congree to act.” Didn't you hear? Congress doesn't do things anymore. I sincerely hope this gets sorted, but I don't have high hopes.

Congress has been on summer break for seven weeks

This is really no joke. I work in a state health department not even currently affected by Zika and the amount of staff time that has had to have been pulled away from other incredibly important work in order to prepare for Zika is infuriating. Public health programs (particularly in Republican-controlled states) are

In a weird way I give her credit, at least it’s plugged in. I’ve seen a few big names with pre-mixed sets forget to do that.

I’d argue that that happened sometime around the time when tickets exceeded 500 dollars and the Burning Man population exceeded 69K...

Nah, but her assistant is: