Sometimes as parents we make mistakes. Do you think that it might have just been something that she really didn’t mean to do and was just a bad mistake on her part? If you did it, wouldn’t you want her to forgive you.
Sometimes as parents we make mistakes. Do you think that it might have just been something that she really didn’t mean to do and was just a bad mistake on her part? If you did it, wouldn’t you want her to forgive you.
It’s not fair to say you know she doesn’t feel bad. Of course she feels bad. And it’s a testament to your relationship that she just came out and told you, of her volition. Try to understand what she must be going through, how stressed she must feel to have gotten to that point. You know she never wanted to get to…
Write the letter, let it sit for a day, make sure that it is in cold, impersonal language, and send it. This guy sounds way out of line.
I’m kinda leaning that she is heavily judging herself and not wanting to admit to herself or you that she is at a breaking point. I’d see if any of her/your friends or family can come over and help out to give her a breather to just be for a bit. Not a wife or mother, just her.
Yes. It’s a really hard situation, and I’m sending you hugs. Is there anything specific that he objects to in regards to getting help? Or is he unsure that he needs it?
If she’s that stressed, then she needs some kind of outlet. I know others have recommended therapy, but it may be something as simple as a regular afternoon off. She gets Saturday or Sunday afternoon all to herself, to either go out, hang at home, whatever. No calls, no kid, no you.
Stress leads to crappier parenting, unless you’re Buddha. Is it possible for changes to be made in your lives (even temporarily) to reduce her stress levels?
Which only ups the humidity. Yup, summer sucks.
Yes I looooove the crazy old eyebrow fashions. My partner and I watched a ton of Akira Kurosawa movies a little while ago. All the women had the forehead smudge eyebrows. Kind of amazing.
Clearly you don’t live in Houston.
If you need a safety regulation telling you not to be on the edge of a canyon in the middle of the night, you should really just stay home.
The paradox of the legislation that makes the parks service and the park service mission is inherent and endlessly challenging. How do you do this: “for which purpose is to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner…
Ok, I got a little heated there, I’m sorry I went off. I just value our national parks very highly and there are seriously people I’ve talked to who would like to see guard rails put in on every trail and a paved road to every lookout to eliminate as much risk as possible. If you’ve never been to a national park i…
I agree with everything you stated except - punk rock genius? Nah.
Yellowstone is huge. You can have all the safety regulations you want, but there can’t be a staff member everywhere at every time to enforce them. You can put up railings and fences, and people will climb over them. You can put up signs saying “people have been killed falling from this very spot, GTFO”, and people…
> I know that accidents happen and not every death is preventable
Death in Yellowstone is also very good. I am originally from MT, and I am always horrified by how people stick their hands right up to the hot springs despite all the signs telling them not to. I think that book should be required reading before you go, as the hot spring deaths are extremely grisly and you will not…
Pathetic that people need to be warned about the most obvious of dangers. “No one jump in the volcano!” “Don’t walk backwards off a cliff!”
One can’t childproof entire canyons. People have to use common sense. “Socializing” on the edge of a canyon at 3am would not be recommended.
Courtney Love. Man. I’m around her age, and from what I’ve heard she has always been like this, even before she was famous. She was a bat shit crazy lunatic insane punk rock genius, but at this point she is just a nightmare mother in law.