
I like, half shut my computer, remembered that the scene would still be there, set the computer down, walked three feet away, shook my head.


So I’m right outside of NYC, and there’s not been any cases of locally transmitted Zika here so far. CT has 39 cases of Zika, including some pregnant women, but they’ve all traveled to areas south of Florida, where they were infected. My Dr doesn’t want me headed to any warmer spots, because by her reasoning, it’s

Same. I’ve been working my way through the same Urban Decay “Naked” palette for years. Should I throw it out? Technically, but I can’t make myself do it when the damn thing seems to magically regenerate itself. I’ll impulsively buy a new shade only to realize later it’s a dupe for one of the “Naked” shadows. I think

They don’t know enough. My pregnant BFF’s husband works in public health on mosquito-borne diseases and he says there is evidence not only that it can impact fetuses later on (to a lesser effect, of course) but also possibly older children and adults. We basically know very little about in what percentage of cases

You are wrong I’m afraid:

No it doesn’t. While I choose to use natural repellent, there have been many studies and DEET is perfectly safe for preg woman

33 weeks pregnant over here and I’ve already been bathing myself in DEET, trying to avoid outdoor activities and staying in air conditioning. Every week a new story comes out that just shows there is so much they don’t know. Sadly I think we will see outbreaks detected after the fact, once afflicted babies are born.

can’t stop thinking about that scene in Trans Parent now

OK, we’ll agree to disagree then. I rely on Deet often for backcountry stuff and have done my own research. The potential for problems increases with constant use, but relying on a spray now and again like during a vacation seems a lot safer than contracting the Zika virus or any other mosquito-borne illnesses (ask my

We just went back to that method for the first time in like 4 years. But our main problem is that she’s mildly allergic to latex. I know there are other options, but well, we both agree that they’re not really the same. Besides, between NOT wanting another kid right now and the looming Zika fear, yeah, we might just

You could take your six year old on a wintery winter break (same for a baby moon too)? Like a mountain trip or something. Mosquitoes are pretty much gone in the winter, even in the states. That sucks though, but yeah, better safe than sorry :( Congrats on baby #2 tho!

I am currently pregnant, and my doctor has banned us from traveling out of the North East until I deliver next spring. She said it wasn’t worth the risk, especially since no one can get their acts together, and nobody can figure out the real risks associated with an infection at *any time* during pregnancy. There went

Earlier this year, the White House requested $1.9 billion in emergency Zika funding, but the Republican-led House added numerous riders to the bill, including attempts to defund Planned Parenthood and language about Confederate flag bans.

That said, all of my friends were in the same class the next year and really loved the experience because they were doing it together and thought it was so much fun.

2 words: vaginal prolapse.

I feel like if they really want to use scare tactics they should just talk about hemorrhoids, pooping on the table, episiotomy’s, c sections, and anything else that can be gross that people don’t talk about. And then hand them a baby with a blown out diaper for the afternoon.

It seems like this might definitely minimize what it’s like to have a baby rather than be any kind of real indicator of what it’s like. It cries and you have to carry it around are kind of...not the bad parts, really?


I lol’d at hemorrhoids and then got sad. Too real. Too true. Too soon.