
I just want to say that I consider myself a stark, deep rooted, feminist.

Do you think, though, that part of the problem is that the self-identifying gamers, who hit the comment sections, are largely kids? I'm an old-ass dude, and I almost never come across a comment on Kotaku that seems like it's written by someone my age, or even out of their early twenties. Partly, I think, that's

"Every. Single. One of us" Don't really agree. There are a lot of obscenely foul gamers that are nothing but living trolls that live to see other people upset because they are dissatisfied with their lives or something, but there are a lot of great gamers too. If you seek out the seedy bowels of the gaming world,

Agree. I started gaming since in pre-school and since then always see myself as gamer in sense of someone who love the video game. Honestly, before this I never tough much about "gamer" term, it just a word, no big deal. But thinking the word "gamer" which has been a big part of myself, attacked and turned into dirty

I feel pretty weird about this, but I was present once for one of the people on that list (and their cameramen) sexually harassing my fiancée and her sister. It was at a convention they were covering, and we were all there in cosplay. It was pretty fucked up, and even though it was maybe three years ago at this point,

As this issue for myself is the nature of game journalists relationship with game developers, i would ask you something. Do you thing that the two are entirely too close to the point of being in being insestous (so close or intimate as to prevent proper functioning)?

Agreed on all accounts, and this is the problem with current gaming journalism, it is not journalism. Some people in the industry may have studied that career but it seems like they forgot everything after they finished. What we have are glorified bloggers with a sense of self importance that borders on narcissistic.


You know, for all that's been said about this. How much of truth are in these stories? Do we really know? We're we physically there in any of those locations when that gentleman was cheated on which led him to write up an expose that did nothing but stir the pot and fuel more extremists.

Please show me where I said she "deserves" it. Please. Here's a hint, don't use quotes if the person you're quoting DIDN'T SAY WHAT YOU'RE MAKING IT LOOK LIKE THEY SAID. Learn to read, I never said she "deserves" it, I said she and Zoe aren't innocent, like they, and their followers, claim to be. And you know why?

As someone who has self-identified as a "gamer" since my years as a nerdy, severely bullied teenager, into my adult life as a professional artist in the indie game development scene, and a reasonable, progressive individual who cares about social issues, I can't stress how profoundly offended I feel every single time

I'm just going to leave this here. Someone actually made this. An enemy list of ~PEOPLE DESTROYING OUR HOBBY.~

You need more stars.

Indeed, the term 'gamer' is being applied by looking at a small group of loud extremely negative sub-groups.

So Zoe and Anita got harassed, yeah, that's awful. But are we going to ignore the indie dev that claimed to be sexually harassed by Zoe herself, and then got threatened by Phil Fish and others into not only keeping quiet but APOLOGIZING for it? As if it was his fault he got harassed? Are we going to ignore the

I just want more JRPGs. I could care less about the meta world of gaming...

Point of fact; women get harassed when they disagree with "Social Justice Warriors" as well. Thing is, those same warriors like to think the opposition to them is based on male privilege. So they just pretend they don't exist when it's time to make generalizations.

Gamers are not the worst. They are no worse or better than any other self-described group. It all boils down to the fact that when it comes down to it, it's people that are the worst. Or can be, in any case.

Here's the thing; I'm an indie developer working on my own game...

Ya strawman the whole amount of legit criticism to "People hate women in video games". Thats exactly what I expect from you people and then you wonder why people are gamers are legitimately concerned and angry. Just because a few bad apples did something group a whole bunch of people together, lets just ignore the