
Activision Blizzard. ‘Nuff said.

Fresnokila: “Oh this bullying is bad! But they started it for being a nerd.”

Don’t even dare try to say its GAMERS who are at fault for how “Women in Gaming” (of which is a tacky label, you’re either a gamer or you’re not, gamer is not a male pronoun) when MFing Activision Blizzard is a literal company.

Don’t talk to the subhumans Comb. They can’t make a single salient thought and must use fallacies to put words in mouths of people who never said them.

Whether someone being brutalized is the point or not is irrelevant in a nation of free speech. If you don’t like a game that brutalizes female characters, don’t buy it, but let those who want it, buy it.

Correlation does not equal causality.

An opinion I can respect. Thank you.

The reason why gamers can talk about it is because we have some semblance of power here. We don’t get to weigh in on movies, becaus western movies and tv shows are garbage. They wish to turn games into the same.

Kind of like the article writer.

“Say something nice or don’t say anything at all...”

You haven’t played many PS1, PS2 games etc if you think the golden era of games is bad.

Indeed. I don’t give a s*** about the barista’s backstory. Just gimme a metaphorical coffee.

Which is what you should be doing instead of “women in video games” strawmen.

Such sanctimonious bile. Game journos need to get a job and learn to code.

Lol you think YOU are disagreeable? Check out my channel and discord messages. I legit tick off enough people to get kicked out of multiple neptunia discord servers.

It has a story though and a pretty solid one. Let’s stop doing the whole “lul its just bewbs” nonsense because nobody would buy it if it were just “lul just bewbs” because who the F would pay money if they wanted to see animu tids? The internet as an f-ing thing.

Seems awfully f@scistic of you.

Seems awfully fascistic of you.

The world needs to calm the hell down.

Are there any gyms? I’ve been hearing that there won’t be. No gyms=No buy.