Is it okay that I get upset that every indie game is not on switch? This seems like the PERFECT game for me to try
Is it okay that I get upset that every indie game is not on switch? This seems like the PERFECT game for me to try
I’d argue that the fact that the Lust level is in hell makes it quite probable that it’s not supposed to be sexy. More like so close to sexy that the people who ended up there would be tempted, but then ultimately treated to something disgusting.
Let us know when it quietly gets some games.
From the article: Nichols was not so naive as to put his banana on Twitch sans protection. There was a language filter in place, but the GGX gang figured out how to trick it.
Gonna be frank, there are a lot of innocent people still left in the world. Even if they think “Well it’s a possibility” they don’t really think someone will do it to them.
why is twitch chat the worst? it’s a major turn off. i’m not that into watching streamers in the first place, but toxic ass communities just make it that much harder to give it a chance.
I’ve never been a fan of his and his brand of acerbic criticism, which felt like another of the “angry gamer” demo, but at least he is a smart and intelligent man.
Dang that’s rough. This level of composure always blows my mind, how someone can talk about their eminent leaving of this world in such a matter-of-fact way, and continue to focus on their profession.
Also: “Pirate Ship” gets the name from the shape of Orisa’s shield, as well, since it is curved and looks like a ship sail.
if it will be a fully playable game start to finish.
I better get to the hospital because all of this edge has me hemorrhaging.
The two children are dying because they’re starving to death and experiencing sickness from fallout. That is inherently “suffering” and it doesn’t matter whether it’s one set of children or the other (that criticism could be levied at any film’s characters). The deaths themselves are only incidental to the end of the…
It clearly marks points of interest, legibly indicates the size and layout of said POIs, marks major roadways between said POIs, and is even color-coded to help you determine what areas you may wander into if you don’t use the map or refer to it glancingly.
As amazing as Horizon and Zelda were, neither reached in terms of storytelling the way Neir did. Horizon was about polishing what we know to a razor-sharp shine and Zelda about reinventing the gameplay wheel of a beloved series.
Damn, I would have killed to have so many girls interested in mainstream gaming when I was in high school. All these boys are lacking vision: a shared interest is an unbeatable icebreaker. Dumbasses.
Every single time we make a stride towards some form of gender unity in this community it gets massively undercut by some assholes who think it’s somehow an invasion of their turf.
In case anyone wants an alternative, keep in mind that BASSTOP (the company making the often translucent Switch case replacement mods sometimes featured on Kotaku) also make versions for the left Joy-Con with d-pads. It’s obviously more work than what Hori’s offering, but it’s cheaper and you won’t lose any features.
Goes to show you the difference between your random internet message board “gamer” and someone actually in the business who understands how this stuff works.
If I remember, Jason’s (fantastic) breakdown of ME:Andromeda showed that the problems inherent to that game were almost entirely of Bioware’s own making, and EA…
One year, but yeah. This is stuff they at least implied, if not outright stated, would be in the game at launch. What has become increasingly obvious over the past year is that NMS was not finished, and most of the defenses of the game as a “minimalist experience” or whatever are being shot full of holes by the game’s…