
Hi Dick. I am wondering if you have any suggestions or tips for someone like me... I work 56 hours a week at a desk job, go to school full time and spend a good deal of time driving to and from these things. I am on my butt way too much and unfortunately have very little free time. I am horribly out of shape, and am

That sucks. It seems like when bad things happen it is never just one thing and they just all pile on. I hope you can pay it off soon! I have been killing myself for months working 56 hour weeks and going to school full time (because fuck him he isn't taking my education away from me with his douchebaggery). I don't

We lived together at the time and all the purchases were made online with a cards he opened in my name. I have spoken with the police and multiple attorneys and they all say there is no way to prove I didn't do it and that he did. Because life sucks.

Thanks. I feel like crap because I have to do it. It feels like I have failed somehow. But if I think about things logically it makes no sense for me to kill myself working off his debts. Credit scores recover from bankruptcy, right?

100% agree with everything you said. I'm probably too damaged emotionally to ever have another relationship, but I also am at the point where I am just not willing to put up with anyone's shit after having to put up with so much for so long. As someone who never had freedom and such until last year I am loving being

Honestly if I hadn't had a lot of financial help from family it wouldn't have been possible. I was very lucky. But due to all the debt he let me I cannot afford food at times, let alone some much needed therapy to help with the PTSD.

Back when I had insurance through my ex mine cost $120 for 3 months. It sucked big time, especially since I can only take certain kinds and all of those were considered non preferred drugs under the plan.

Ugh, this was me last year. Firstly: Never marry your high school sweetheart. You both grow and change so much in your 20's (and beyond) and sometimes you end up resenting each other because of it. In my case, it was him who resented me as I became independent and educated while he decided he didn't want to get an

What you do is wait in the bushes until they come out to complain about the hot, steaming pile of shit on their door step. Then maul away! You will feel ever so much more satisfied.

You should skip the rabbit and just take a massive dump on their doorstep. When it is really hot out (that part is key).

Because they claim to love animals but euthanize well over 95% of the animals brought into their care (and these are healthy, adoptable animals not sick or violent ones).

If it was summer my parents pretty much pushed us out the door and said to be back when it started getting dark. The only time we'd spend a day inside is if we were sick. I wish there was some kind of service you could hire that would follow you around and every time someone tried to tell you how to parent your

I just feel compelled to point out that nobody batted an eye when I was a child and we would be running around the neighborhood from dawn to dusk. Now suddenly it is considered bad parenting to let your child play outside. We bitch about childhood obesity being such a problem but then we bitch if children actually go

So I learned something new today. And that new thing is they don't make brain bleach strong enough to remove the mental images even the excerpts of those fanfics give me.

Seriously? I mean I get that you are joking but people like him won't usually change if X happens to them (X being rape, gay family member, etc.) because they always consider themselves a special case and above everybody else. Just like all the rabid prolifers who take their daughters to get an abortion because when

That would be so phenomenally funny... I can see his face now.

I have been denied an IUD many times when I asked about getting one at annual exams. I would love one, but I want one that has hormones to regulate my cycle. The answer is always no because I have not had any children. Suggestions? I have tried seeing different doctors but I still cannot get an IUD. Does it hurt to

My high school year book did this one year and it was so freaking annoying. The couple featured were painted to be super awesome parents who were having it all and achieving great things. While it is an accomplishment to finish high school while being a teen parent, making it look easy and nearly glorifying it is

This. This reply made me laugh out loud at work. At which point I had to try to play it off like a coughing fit so my coworkers didn't ask questions.

This was my first thought. Hard time getting up? Story of my life. And I am pretty sure that the pissed off expression the cat has at the end is the same one I have when looking at my alarm clock going off.