
So, it is totally not okay to single out women. However, when I started school (a medical field) the instructors had a talk with all of the students about professional dress. They did this because soft skills like dressing and speaking in a professional manner were sorely lacking. Men were wearing pants that sagged

If he was an asshole, then I hope he has since reformed. I hope that he is being sincere, as so few people in fashion aren't jerks about size

I love cooking with spaghetti squash. One thing I love to do is make pseudo-spaghetti goodness with spaghetti squash. I'll make a sauce/topping by cutting up and cooking a whole tone of veggies (whatever sounds good. I like to use red and green peppers, yellow squash and zucchini) with some garlic, onions and

It is so refreshing to hear someone in fashion talk like that. I now want to be besties with him.

Am I the only one who thinks a Broadway musical version of The Nightmare Before Christmas would be amazing and needs to be done ASAP? I mean, the costumes and set designs could be beyond spectacular! Not that it will ever happen, but...

Sex selective abortion isn't strictly legal in India. In fact it is illegal, it is just that some people bribe doctors to reveal the baby's gender so that they can abort if it is a girl. Sadly in many cases I have heard of that happening, it was either the mother-in-law or the husband who wanted the gender revealed

You aren't the only one. I am routinely shocked and horrified at the things people say and do to others, and feel justified doing. The outright hatred people have for others who aren't exactly like them, and the horrible things they routinely wish on others... It makes me so sad inside and so much less optimistic

I am so effing sick of people like this. People who feel it is their God given right to go out of their way to shit on everyone else. Guess what? I'm fat. Deal with it like an emotionally mature and self-aware adult. Would I like to be thin? Sure, but life doesn't always work out that way. Shit happens.

Oh my gosh YES! This needs to happen. He is deliciously perfect. While my love for Jessica Jones is enough of a reason for me to watch that show, I would watch it solely to see him if he were cast.

In response to the woman who went through emotional abuse can someone please explain to me why I so often have seen people of color do this to each other. I have so often seen black women tell each other they aren't black enough or aren't really a black person or that the darkness or lightness of their skin makes them

I got my first period at 11, before my growth spurt, so I was a small young lady. They made slim tampons, but all the pads I tried just felt like wearing a massive bloody diaper. It was extremely unpleasant. So I have just always used tampons. They are so much less messy and more convenient for me. I'm super bummed

As you should. I'm merely pointing out being stripped searched is unpleasant (and more so cavity searched if that really happened to her). Whether she earned such treatment or not (she was a criminal after all) doesn't change that it would suck to go through that.

I can't imagine being stripped searched is pleasant, let alone cavity searched if that did really happen. Whether or not I think she earned it has no bearing on the degree of awfulness.

"the fear of public humiliation resonates strongly... For an educated, middle-class woman to face public arrest and a strip search is almost unimaginable, except in the most brutal crimes."

For me, it was ruined once I read a book featuring powdered wigs and the author went on about how attractive the man was in his powdered wig. Just... no...

This doesn't even sound interesting... It just sounds like garbage spewed onto a page and called a plot. So I guess that it's about on par with 50 Shades of Grey. Maybe I'm just used to more interesting fare, but it sounds incredibly boring.

It is good to move past it and let it go, otherwise it just eats you up inside (and I would say that the men who submit pics to those sites do need some kind of mental health help, whether it is anger management, therapy, or some kind of counseling to help them see that their views on women are unacceptable). All the

I agree with the person who said they should put Mothra in it. Mothra is the best of all of the Godzilla franchise kaiju.

So after reading this whole thread I feel compelled to comment. I know that you don't think what you are saying is wrong but you need to take a minute and reevaluate some of the statements you made. They are serious warning signs of some mental health issues that you should look into getting treated (including the

I work full time and go to school full time, on top of volunteering. I'm not sure I understand what "vacation" is! LOL