The real crime here is a horrible use of typography.
The real crime here is a horrible use of typography.
Molotov Cocktease.
Please close the polling, I win.
I blame him for some of the most insipid lyrics I've ever heard. He should be thankful he wasn't tossed out of the country.
'Cautious Spending' with a photo of a gal coming out of Kitson.
I would LOVE it if JJ Abrams found it in his heart to give us fans the slow, painful and graphic death of Jar Jar Binks. Kind of his 'get lost George' and 'Here's one for the fans'.
I envision a model where the tools available to make a 'studio quality' movie are in the hands of many many people....and greedy dinosaurs like Katzenberg et. al. are competing with some guys in Idaho with a great idea and a website. THAT will reinvent the enterprise of movies and content and celebrity...and it cannot…
Star Wars: KISSED __insert NYTimes author here___
OMG...I want to show this to aaaaallll the clients who say 'Hey, why don't we just do this product demo video digitally. We don't need to spend money on a working prototype and actors!'
Oh that smirk! That Jeffrey Katzenberg 'Oh yeah, I can buy lots of computers and Pixar's tier 2 animators and make ass loads of cash' smirk.
All of these questions and none about the only character that matters, LSP.
Mars Needs Moms gets a green light and my continuing efforts for a big screen ALF movie are laughed at by Hollywood. UNBELIEVABLE!
And that restraining order The Wachowskis have on me is bullshit...
Though I have not been tested, I know I am lactose intolerant.
This came out more provocative than I had planned.
And you're welcome.
I think it helps to read Mickey's line imagining him dressed like this...
You're welcome.
Michael Green (who co-wrote Green Lantern) is rewriting thePrometheus 2 screenplay
The film co-stars South African rappers Die Antwoord.