I felt the super heated fires of hell was appropriate in this hopeful image of the future.
You’re welcome.
I felt the super heated fires of hell was appropriate in this hopeful image of the future.
You’re welcome.
Anyone else see this when they look at the top photo?
Just me?
Romine also said he recently received a package full of feces in the mail
My 16-year-old son last night:
‘Things go from being ‘internet funny’ to so damn annoying really fast now. The Harlem Shake ... funny for a few weeks...Planking...same thing. I heard about Damn Daniel on Thursday and by lunch on Monday I was ready to kill everyone who said it...’
Like a great many people who gain success quickly, they believe every idea they have is amazing and wonderful and and and and...
I’ll leave this here and show myself out, thanks.
I do apologize...like Tom, you have a special place in your heart for Lisa Frank. I saw Tom this summer after losing touch for a good 7 years (?)...he brought this story up and I mentioned sharing it here. ‘Why!? Why did you do that? No...we need to speak of it.’ The pain is still very real.
I got the distinct feeling that Hildi hated people.
I mean, REALLY hated people.
I’m actually pleased that this guy is as big of a douche bag/anal wipe as he is.
The first load using this Tide made my skin go insane. It started itching, then I got a rash under my arm...and then...lets not go there.
Thank you for that link.
I did send them a note and I urge everyone else to as well.
I’ve always wondered if these ‘free & clear’ detergents actually work or were worth using. Thanks!
We bought one of those 5 gallon jugs of Tide from CostCo and I swear my skin has started a revolt.
I’m a little confused on who they want to call ‘daddy’ and why...but I think I have an idea....and that’s OK..
I’ll leave this here and show myself out.
So true!
My son had a young mom who just lost it when he asked what she wanted on her burger. Something trivial...but she lost her shit and just started to rant. She came to a close of her rant and my son (much like his dad) said ‘Alright, are you done now?’
She nearly jumped over the counter ‘Where is your manager?!?’
I think you’re right though about the wannabes. What is alarms me is how many ‘average joe’ and ‘soccer moms’ he says are just awful. Like its their one chance to be waited on and they want to make sure it counts.
My son just started working in food service at a large fast food chain, in the SF bay area.
I’ve seen an awakening in him that no school or talk from me could have created. He “gets it” in a way that could only have come from experiencing it.
I welcome our new kitty overlords and greet them with string tied to a stick, that I wave in a provocative fashion.
Doug did not strike me as a wedge heel and feathered accessories kind of guy...until now.