That is like the Governor of my state simultaneously announcing today the highest daily infection count and saying that he sees no reason why high school and college sports need to delayed any further.
That is like the Governor of my state simultaneously announcing today the highest daily infection count and saying that he sees no reason why high school and college sports need to delayed any further.
Dozens are missing following wildfires in Oregon.
That fucking Fox News chyron up there- Trump: “You’d be so bored” if I acted presidential”
Still waiting on the story where Trump calls the first responders suckers and the people that were dumb enough to be in the towers losers.
It amazes me how Teflon Trump is in the eyes and shriveled hearts of his followers. This guy literally bragged about his building while people were still dying. The bastard couldn’t wait to call and tell someone about it; and people dismissed it.
Tiffers is unique amongst Trump children in that she doesn’t seem to have an ounce of ambition aside from half-assing whatever she has to do to keep the checks coming.
In other Trump news, President Trump is convinced that the only explanation for Joe Biden’s newfound energy on the campaign trail is... drugs.
Wait. Wait. I don't want to fuck you. What are you doing here?
45 is looking at Tiff like: “Which one are you?”
The drugs make him sway
I pledge allegiance to the Fed of the United Steaks of America. And to the Republican for which it stands, one nation, under Vlad, with Givenchy and jugs for all.
If the pledge contained the words “money”, “pussy” and “Whopper with cheese”....maybe he’d vaguely recall it. This version? Not a chance.
Written, give a binder full of talking points to put into paragraphs, potato, pot-tah-to.
“Someone has the write the story that the media refuses to tell,” because the media tends not to report on events that never happened.
And that’s why grocery stores don’t put the syrup and honey section near the entrances.
She went on to write that she is “not a culture vulture,” but instead “a culture leech.”
Not surprising, considering a slight majority of the Senate get their info from Fox News, which declared the pandemic over in June.
“I know I’m a dumbass for planting the seeds, but I’m not dumberass that would eat the seeds.”
No one on SCOTUS had a health scare recently, correct? So what was the point of today’s list? To dare Joe Biden into releasing his list of potential SCOTUS nominees, which would piss off either extreme of the Democratic party. My hope is Biden responds with one of the following: