OneHandedSquire thinks the post office is good

You said it. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. Throughout this whole ordeal, I’ve been watching my friend’s dad, who I’ve always been fond of, slowly get radicalized and it’s absolutely horrifying. It started out with him believing eccentric, but mostly harmless stuff, like chemtrail conspiracy theories, but since

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the description of Kushner’s team as, “like a frat party descended from a UFO and invaded the federal government,” will surely prove to be one of the most apt and enduring descriptions of this moment.

It’s astounding watching my neighbors vote year after year for the ghouls killing my small, rural, very Republican town. But, apparently, my tears are more satisfying than having a post office that can promptly and affordably deliver checks, bills, medicine, packages, whatever you need.

Yeah, this is the most obvious BS. Mail-in voting creates an auditable paper trail and you’d have to have an army of agents on American soil forging ballots to affect the outcome. It would be noticed immediately.

Yeah, down here in CT, this is our first attempt doing mail-in voting at such a scale. I’m glad our secretary of state cowboy’d up and sent every eligible voter a request form, but there’s a lot of room for fucking this up, least of all the ratfucking occurring at USPS. (The election aside, I’m terrified of how that

They attack voting because of a burden of nescience that exists in authoritarian structures, like the Republican Party. They have to make sure the things they communicate are aligned with the defined reality of those above them in the hierarchy. Their job security depends on it. Often, what is objectively repressed

This. There’s more than one way to undermine an election.  The whole ploy is designed to provoke violent confrontations which will then be used to justify harsher crackdowns and dispensing with civil liberties. And we’ve got saboteurs infiltrating the protests actively trying to facilitate the process.

It’s cosmic irony, if you’re looking to pass a lit test. Now, if somebody like Bill Barr were to suffer a similar fate, the technical term for that would be extreme good fortune.

I’m pretty sure “a total lack of both empathy and education” is a plank in the official Republican Party platform at this point.

Another critical component: the stars were part of the sorting phase of genocide. By contrast, it’s requested everyone wear masks, so the only thing it could possibly be sorting are selfish idiots from people with a functional moral compass and sense of self-preservation.

You know Congressman COVID’s bad when he gets Kevin McCarthy to have a Freudian slip that came perilously close to dislodging his head from the GOP disinformation bubble for a second:

I always knew you Canuks were scheming to oppress us with your strong social safety net.

Woah, I had heard about Barr’s father being tied up with Epstein, but I hadn’t heard about a sci-fi book. What a weird detail.

Right. Got so caught up in my detective work, I forgot that important bit of context.  Thanks for the reminder.

I tend to lean toward the former, since he seems to have reached the “admitting you have a problem” phase on the path to redemption. It’s not the last step on that path, but it’s further than any of these Lincoln Project dudes have come. They seem to be preoccupied with planting their flag on the post-Trump GOP. Consid

I’ve done my fair share of graphic design and let me tell you, this map isn’t communicating what you think it is, Maine GOP. That is, unless you’re trying to convince the viewer that human traffickers and terrorists are coming to liberate the US from the tyranny in Washington (quite an admission during a Republican

He also claimed not to know that Trump had praised Roger Stone on Twitter, which is funny, because it was in the damn Mueller Report that he signed off on!  This should result in him being impeached for perjury, but will it?  I’m not holding my breath.

And he’s always been this way and it’s always been out in the open. One of his former classmates wrote a letter to his local paper in ‘91 explaining how Barr used to spend his youth punching hippies, picketing the local fundraiser for the NAACP, and all his other fascist tendencies. This man never should have been

Hey, no worries! It’s not like it isn’t still relevant.

I can think of exactly one former-Republican that has had a public reckoning upon discovering that *gasp!* the Republican Party is full of Republicans and they played a role in making it that way. You don’t see any of these other Never Trumpers coming out and proclaiming “It Was All a Lie,” like Stuart Stevens.