

That was a serious case of the lolz.

And you say canadia is shitty.

I'll freely admit... The ats is mighty tempting.

Considering that they have one of the most aggressive lease programs and since it seems like you're too oblivious that your being dragoned by ze germans, I would say yes.

Well hes canadian. so there is that.


i think the reference was figurative

He's observing canadias shorts having their retail massacre and realizing he's not so fucked up?

Why is it that when i read the specific words "the stand" for some odd reason, my mind interpolated it into "The Dark Tower"????

Awww does you fweeel vindicated? That's adowable....

And today I am thankful for smug assholes who think their opinion matters. Fact. It doesn't.

Edit. A wall of babies.

Sorry it took so long. Just got home from work.

My eleven year old chihuahua finds your opinion incorrect.

Need friend! Happy home!