Change animals into babies and POOF! Catholic church.
Change animals into babies and POOF! Catholic church.
They hired California senator Darryl Edwards Isaac?
I whole heartedly support people eating tasty animals.
My liver can only tolerate so much! But challenge accepted.
That was my absolute implication. Thank you for noticing.
Who here wants the contact numbers for the people that run that place and bleed their employees?
Let's see. Drinking. Check. Eating bagels. Check. Smoking pot. Check.
On a list of things that suck, this ranks at the very bottom.
And a lot of butts got whipped with the extra track.
Somehow, not entirely off the mark.
Eta: myself acres. DOH!
Eta: miles?
Sorry. I'm one of the unwashed poors. I am the dishwasher.
Agree to disagree. The aluminum foil accordion is the most effective. There is zero cleanup. Grab the corners of the foil, fold together and into the garbage. While the cookie rack is a good idea, the cleanup is a nightmare.
In other news Sprint is upset that their secret is out.
And go hang yourself.
The Donger approves the use of Hong Konger.
Seriously? Screw that. Madison Square Garden is only second to WTC 1. Lets take something you enjoyed in your childhood and flood it. Dick.
Well being a racist ahole aside, a lot of these are government jobs therefor there wouldnt be any mexicans associated with the work. But I bet you blame obama too.
Approved by Michael J. Fox.